Uses of Class

Packages that use LocalDeque

Uses of LocalDeque in org.mmtk.utility.deque

Subclasses of LocalDeque in org.mmtk.utility.deque
 class AddressDeque
          This supports unsynchronized enqueuing and dequeuing of addresses
 class AddressPairDeque
          This supports unsynchronized enqueuing and dequeuing of address pairs
 class AddressTripleDeque
          This supports unsynchronized enqueuing and dequeuing of address triples
 class ObjectReferenceDeque
          This supports unsynchronized enqueuing and dequeuing of object references
 class SortTODAddressStack
          This supports unsynchronized pushing and popping of addresses.
 class SortTODObjectReferenceStack
          This supports unsynchronized pushing and popping of object references.