Class GlobalValueNumberState

  extended by org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ssa.GlobalValueNumberState

public final class GlobalValueNumberState
extends Object

This class holds the results of global value numbering. ala Alpern, Wegman and Zadeck, PoPL 88. See Muchnick p.348 for a discussion (which is quite buggy, should have stuck to the dragon book, which gives a high-level description of the correct algorithm on page 143).

Field Summary
private  ArrayList<GVCongruenceClass> B
          ArrayList of GVCongruenceClass, indexed by value number.
private static boolean DEBUG
          Print verbose debugging output?
private static boolean NO_PARAM_ALIAS
          Assume parameters are not aliased?
static int UNKNOWN
          Constant used to flag "unknown" value numbers
(package private)  ValueGraph valueGraph
          The value graph.
private  Stack<GVCongruenceClass> workList
          Stack used for a work list.
Constructor Summary
GlobalValueNumberState(IR ir)
          Construct a structure to hold global value number results for an IR.
Method Summary
private  void addDependentClassesToWorklist(GVCongruenceClass c)
          Assuming congruence class c has changed: find all other classes that might be affected, and add them to the worklist
private  boolean checkCongruence(ValueGraphVertex v, GVCongruenceClass c)
          Does the current state of the algorithm optimistically assume that a vertex v is congruent to the vertices in a congruence class?
private  boolean checkCongruence(ValueGraphVertex v1, ValueGraphVertex v2)
          Does the current state of the algorithm optimistically assume that two nodes are congruent?
(package private)  GVCongruenceClass congruenceClass(Object name)
private  GVCongruenceClass createCongruenceClass(Object label)
          Given a label, return a new congruence class for that label.
(package private)  boolean DD(int v1, int v2)
          Definitely-different relation for two value numbers.
(package private)  boolean DD(Object name1, Object name2)
          Definitely-different relation.
(package private)  boolean DS(Object name1, Object name2)
          Definitely-same relation.
private  int findCongruenceMatch(ArrayList<GVCongruenceClass> vector, ValueGraphVertex v)
          Does vertex v belong to any congruence class in a vector?
private  GVCongruenceClass findOrCreateCongruenceClass(Object label, HashMap<Object,GVCongruenceClass> labelMap)
          Given a label, return the congruence class for that label.
(package private)  int getValueNumber(Object name)
          Return the (integer) value number for a given variable
private  void globalValueNumber()
          Compute node congruence over the value number graph.
private  void initialize()
          Initialize the congruence classes, assuming that all nodes with the same label are congruent.
private  void initializeWorkList()
          Initialize the work list.
private static boolean isBornAtAllocation(Object label)
          Does a given label indicate that the object is created at an allocation site?
private static boolean isConstant(Object label)
          Does a given label indicate that the object has a constant value?
(package private)  void mergeClasses(ValueGraphVertex v1, ValueGraphVertex v2)
          Merge the congruence classes containing vertices v1 and v2
private  void partitionClass(GVCongruenceClass partition)
          Partition a congruence class.
(package private)  void printValueNumbers()
          Print the value numbers for each node in the value graph.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int UNKNOWN
Constant used to flag "unknown" value numbers

See Also:
Constant Field Values


private static final boolean DEBUG
Print verbose debugging output?

See Also:
Constant Field Values


private static final boolean NO_PARAM_ALIAS
Assume parameters are not aliased?

See Also:
Constant Field Values


private final ArrayList<GVCongruenceClass> B
ArrayList of GVCongruenceClass, indexed by value number.


final ValueGraph valueGraph
The value graph.


private final Stack<GVCongruenceClass> workList
Stack used for a work list.

Constructor Detail


GlobalValueNumberState(IR ir)
Construct a structure to hold global value number results for an IR.

ir - governing IR
Method Detail


private void globalValueNumber()
Compute node congruence over the value number graph.

Algorithm: Muchnick pp. 348-355

Note: the Muchnick algorithm is buggy. In particular, it does not put all needed congruence classes on the worklist.

Two nodes in the value graph are congruent if one of the following holds:

Optimistic algorithm:

The following method breaks Muchnick's algorithm, which will assign m and n the same value number. Muchnick's problem is that it does not put the congruence class for 'int_mul' back on the worklist when we discover, for example, that i is not congruent to k

   public int foo(int a, int b, int c, int d, int e, int f, int g, int h) {
      int i = a+b;
      int j = c+d;
      int k = e+f;
      int l = g+h;
      int m = i * j;
      int n = k * l;
      int o = m/n;
      return o;


void mergeClasses(ValueGraphVertex v1,
                  ValueGraphVertex v2)
Merge the congruence classes containing vertices v1 and v2.;


boolean DS(Object name1,
           Object name2)
Definitely-same relation.

name1 - first variable
name2 - second variable
true iff the value numbers for two variables are equal


boolean DD(int v1,
           int v2)
Definitely-different relation for two value numbers. Returns true for the following cases:

TODO: add more smarts

v1 - first value number
v2 - second value number
true iff the value numbers for two variables are definitely different


boolean DD(Object name1,
           Object name2)
Definitely-different relation. Returns true for the following cases:

TODO: add more smarts

name1 - name of first object to compare
name2 - name of second object to compare
true iff the value numbers for two variables are definitely different


GVCongruenceClass congruenceClass(Object name)


int getValueNumber(Object name)
Return the (integer) value number for a given variable

name - name of the variable to look up
its value number


void printValueNumbers()
Print the value numbers for each node in the value graph.


private void initialize()
Initialize the congruence classes, assuming that all nodes with the same label are congruent.


private GVCongruenceClass findOrCreateCongruenceClass(Object label,
                                                      HashMap<Object,GVCongruenceClass> labelMap)
Given a label, return the congruence class for that label. Create one if needed.

label - the label of a congruence class
labelMap - a mapping from labels to congruence class
the congruence class for the label.


private GVCongruenceClass createCongruenceClass(Object label)
Given a label, return a new congruence class for that label.

label - the label of a congruence class
the congruence class for the label.


private void initializeWorkList()
Initialize the work list. A congruence class gets put on the work list if any two nodes in the class point to corresponding targets in separate partitions.


private void partitionClass(GVCongruenceClass partition)
Partition a congruence class.

partition - the class to partition


private void addDependentClassesToWorklist(GVCongruenceClass c)
Assuming congruence class c has changed: find all other classes that might be affected, and add them to the worklist

c - the congruence class that has changed


private int findCongruenceMatch(ArrayList<GVCongruenceClass> vector,
                                ValueGraphVertex v)
Does vertex v belong to any congruence class in a vector? If so, returns the value number of the matching congruence class. If none found, returns -1.

vector - a vector of congruence classes
v - the vertex to search for
the value number corresponding to the congruence class containing v. -1 iff no such class is found.


private boolean checkCongruence(ValueGraphVertex v,
                                GVCongruenceClass c)
Does the current state of the algorithm optimistically assume that a vertex v is congruent to the vertices in a congruence class? Note: this can return true even if if the value numbers don't currently match.

v - the vertex in question
c - the congurence class to check
true or false


private boolean checkCongruence(ValueGraphVertex v1,
                                ValueGraphVertex v2)
Does the current state of the algorithm optimistically assume that two nodes are congruent? Note: this can return false even if the value numbers are currently the same.

v1 - first vertex
v2 - second vertex


private static boolean isConstant(Object label)
Does a given label indicate that the object has a constant value?


private static boolean isBornAtAllocation(Object label)
Does a given label indicate that the object is created at an allocation site?