Class LTDominators

  extended by org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.util.Stack<BasicBlock>
      extended by org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.controlflow.LTDominators
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class LTDominators
extends Stack<BasicBlock>

Calculate dominators using Langauer and Tarjan's fastest algorithm. TOPLAS 1(1), July 1979. This implementation uses path compression and results in a O(e * alpha(e,n)) complexity, where e is the number of edges in the CFG and n is the number of nodes.

Sources: TOPLAS article, Muchnick book

The current implementation (4/25/00) does not include the EXIT node in any solution despite the fact that it is part of the CFG (it has incoming edges). This is to be compatible with the old code.

Field Summary
private  ControlFlowGraph cfg
          a convenient place to locate the cfg to avoid passing it internally
(package private) static boolean DEBUG
protected  int DFSCounter
          a counter for assigning DFS numbers
private  boolean forward
          Indicates whether we perform the algorithm over the CFG or the reverse CFG, i.e., whether we are computing dominators or post-dominators.
private  BasicBlock[] vertex
          a mapping from DFS number to their basic blocks
Constructor Summary
LTDominators(IR ir, boolean forward)
          The constructor, called by the perform method
Method Summary
protected  void analyze(IR ir)
          analyze dominators
static void approximate(IR ir, boolean forward)
          Compute approximate dominator/post dominator without unfactoring exception handlers.
private  void checkReachability(IR ir)
          Check to make sure all nodes were reached
private  void compress(BasicBlock block)
          This recursive method performs the path compression
private  void DFS()
protected  void DFS(BasicBlock block)
          The non-recursive depth-first numbering code called from Step 1.
private  BasicBlock EVAL(BasicBlock block)
          This method inspects the passed block and returns the following: block, if block is a root of a tree in the forest any vertex, u !
private  BasicBlock getAncestor(BasicBlock block)
          Returns the ancestor for the passed block
private  BasicBlock getChild(BasicBlock block)
          Get the child node for this block
private  BasicBlock getDom(BasicBlock block)
          Returns the current dominator for the passed block
private  BasicBlock getFirstNode()
          Get the first node, either entry or exit depending on which way we are viewing the graph
private  BasicBlock getLabel(BasicBlock block)
          returns the label for the passed block or null if the block is null
private  Enumeration<BasicBlock> getNextNodes(BasicBlock block)
          Returns an enumeration of the "next" nodes (either out or in) for the passed block depending on which way we are viewing the graph
private  BasicBlock getParent(BasicBlock block)
          Returns the parent for the passed block
private  Enumeration<BasicBlock> getPrevNodes(BasicBlock block)
          Returns an enumeration of the "prev" nodes (either in or out) for the passed block depending on which way we are viewing the graph
private  int getSemi(BasicBlock block)
          Returns the current semidominator for the passed block
private  int getSize(BasicBlock block)
          returns the size associated with the block
private  void LINK(BasicBlock block1, BasicBlock block2)
          Adds edge (block1, block2) to the forest maintained as an auxiliary data structure.
static void perform(IR ir, boolean forward, boolean unfactor)
          The entry point for this phase
private  void printDFSNumbers()
          Print the result of the DFS numbering performed in Step 1
private  void printNextNodes(BasicBlock block)
          Print the "next" nodes (either out or in) for the passed block depending on which way we are viewing the graph
private  void printResults(IR ir)
          Print the nodes that dominate each basic block
private  void step1()
          The goal of this step is to perform a DFS numbering on the CFG, starting at the root.
private  void step2()
          This is the heart of the algorithm.
private  void step3()
          This final step sets the final dominator information.
Methods inherited from class org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.util.Stack
compare, copy, empty, getTOS, isEmpty, iterator, peek, pop, push, shallowCopy, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


static final boolean DEBUG
See Also:
Constant Field Values


private final boolean forward
Indicates whether we perform the algorithm over the CFG or the reverse CFG, i.e., whether we are computing dominators or post-dominators.


protected int DFSCounter
a counter for assigning DFS numbers


private BasicBlock[] vertex
a mapping from DFS number to their basic blocks


private final ControlFlowGraph cfg
a convenient place to locate the cfg to avoid passing it internally

Constructor Detail


LTDominators(IR ir,
             boolean forward)
The constructor, called by the perform method

ir -
forward - Should we compute regular dominators, or post-dominators?
Method Detail


public static void perform(IR ir,
                           boolean forward,
                           boolean unfactor)
The entry point for this phase

ir - the IR
forward - Should we compute regular dominators, or post-dominators?
unfactor - Should we unfactor the CFG?


public static void approximate(IR ir,
                               boolean forward)
Compute approximate dominator/post dominator without unfactoring exception handlers. Can only be used if what the client wants is approximate domination (ie, if it doesn't actually have to be correct...)

ir - the IR
forward - Should we compute regular dominators, or post-dominators?


protected void analyze(IR ir)
analyze dominators


private void checkReachability(IR ir)
Check to make sure all nodes were reached


private void step1()
The goal of this step is to perform a DFS numbering on the CFG, starting at the root. The exit node is not included.


private void DFS()


private BasicBlock getFirstNode()
Get the first node, either entry or exit depending on which way we are viewing the graph

the entry node or exit node


private void printNextNodes(BasicBlock block)
Print the "next" nodes (either out or in) for the passed block depending on which way we are viewing the graph

block - the basic block of interest


private Enumeration<BasicBlock> getNextNodes(BasicBlock block)
Returns an enumeration of the "next" nodes (either out or in) for the passed block depending on which way we are viewing the graph

block - the basic block of interest


private Enumeration<BasicBlock> getPrevNodes(BasicBlock block)
Returns an enumeration of the "prev" nodes (either in or out) for the passed block depending on which way we are viewing the graph

block - the basic block of interest


protected void DFS(BasicBlock block)
The non-recursive depth-first numbering code called from Step 1. The recursive version was too costly on the toba benchmark on Linux/IA32.

block - the basic block to process


private void step2()
This is the heart of the algorithm. See sources for details.


private BasicBlock EVAL(BasicBlock block)
This method inspects the passed block and returns the following:

See TOPLAS 1(1), July 1979, p 128 for details.

block - the block to evaluate
the block as described above


private void compress(BasicBlock block)
This recursive method performs the path compression

block - the block of interest


private void LINK(BasicBlock block1,
                  BasicBlock block2)
Adds edge (block1, block2) to the forest maintained as an auxiliary data structure. This implementation uses path compression and results in a O(e * alpha(e,n)) complexity, where e is the number of edges in the CFG and n is the number of nodes.

block1 - a basic block corresponding to the source of the new edge
block2 - a basic block corresponding to the source of the new edge


private void step3()
This final step sets the final dominator information.


private BasicBlock getDom(BasicBlock block)
Returns the current dominator for the passed block

block -
the domiator for the passed block


private BasicBlock getParent(BasicBlock block)
Returns the parent for the passed block

block -
the parent for the passed block


private BasicBlock getAncestor(BasicBlock block)
Returns the ancestor for the passed block

block -
the ancestor for the passed block


private BasicBlock getLabel(BasicBlock block)
returns the label for the passed block or null if the block is null

block -
the label for the passed block or null if the block is null


private int getSemi(BasicBlock block)
Returns the current semidominator for the passed block

block -
the semidominator for the passed block


private int getSize(BasicBlock block)
returns the size associated with the block

block -
the size of the block or 0 if the block is null


private BasicBlock getChild(BasicBlock block)
Get the child node for this block

block -
the child node


private void printResults(IR ir)
Print the nodes that dominate each basic block

ir - the IR


private void printDFSNumbers()
Print the result of the DFS numbering performed in Step 1