Uses of Class

Packages that use LocalCSE.AvExCache

Uses of LocalCSE.AvExCache in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt

Methods in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt with parameters of type LocalCSE.AvExCache
private  void LocalCSE.checkHelper(IR ir, LocalCSE.AvExCache cache, Instruction inst)
          Process a check instruction
private  void LocalCSE.expressionHelper(IR ir, LocalCSE.AvExCache cache, Instruction inst)
          Process a unary or binary expression.
private  void LocalCSE.loadHelper(IR ir, LocalCSE.AvExCache cache, Instruction inst)
          Process a load instruction
private  void LocalCSE.storeHelper(LocalCSE.AvExCache cache, Instruction inst)
          Process a store instruction
private static void LocalCSE.typeCheckHelper(IR ir, LocalCSE.AvExCache cache, Instruction inst)
          Process a type check instruction