Class BranchProfiles

  extended by org.jikesrvm.compilers.baseline.BranchProfiles
All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class BranchProfiles
extends Object
implements BytecodeConstants

Profile data for all conditional branches (including switches) of a single RVMMethod.

Field Summary
private  BranchProfile[] data
private  NormalMethod method
private  int numCounters
Fields inherited from interface org.jikesrvm.classloader.BytecodeConstants
JBC_aaload, JBC_aastore, JBC_aconst_null, JBC_aload, JBC_aload_0, JBC_aload_1, JBC_aload_2, JBC_aload_3, JBC_anewarray, JBC_areturn, JBC_arraylength, JBC_astore, JBC_astore_0, JBC_astore_1, JBC_astore_2, JBC_astore_3, JBC_athrow, JBC_baload, JBC_bastore, JBC_bipush, JBC_caload, JBC_castore, JBC_checkcast, JBC_d2f, JBC_d2i, JBC_d2l, JBC_dadd, JBC_daload, JBC_dastore, JBC_dcmpg, JBC_dcmpl, JBC_dconst_0, JBC_dconst_1, JBC_ddiv, JBC_dload, JBC_dload_0, JBC_dload_1, JBC_dload_2, JBC_dload_3, JBC_dmul, JBC_dneg, JBC_drem, JBC_dreturn, JBC_dstore, JBC_dstore_0, JBC_dstore_1, JBC_dstore_2, JBC_dstore_3, JBC_dsub, JBC_dup, JBC_dup_x1, JBC_dup_x2, JBC_dup2, JBC_dup2_x1, JBC_dup2_x2, JBC_f2d, JBC_f2i, JBC_f2l, JBC_fadd, JBC_faload, JBC_fastore, JBC_fcmpg, JBC_fcmpl, JBC_fconst_0, JBC_fconst_1, JBC_fconst_2, JBC_fdiv, JBC_fload, JBC_fload_0, JBC_fload_1, JBC_fload_2, JBC_fload_3, JBC_fmul, JBC_fneg, JBC_frem, JBC_freturn, JBC_fstore, JBC_fstore_0, JBC_fstore_1, JBC_fstore_2, JBC_fstore_3, JBC_fsub, JBC_getfield, JBC_getstatic, JBC_goto, JBC_goto_w, JBC_i2d, JBC_i2f, JBC_i2l, JBC_iadd, JBC_iaload, JBC_iand, JBC_iastore, JBC_iconst_0, JBC_iconst_1, JBC_iconst_2, JBC_iconst_3, JBC_iconst_4, JBC_iconst_5, JBC_iconst_m1, JBC_idiv, JBC_if_acmpeq, JBC_if_acmpne, JBC_if_icmpeq, JBC_if_icmpge, JBC_if_icmpgt, JBC_if_icmple, JBC_if_icmplt, JBC_if_icmpne, JBC_ifeq, JBC_ifge, JBC_ifgt, JBC_ifle, JBC_iflt, JBC_ifne, JBC_ifnonnull, JBC_ifnull, JBC_iinc, JBC_iload, JBC_iload_0, JBC_iload_1, JBC_iload_2, JBC_iload_3, JBC_impdep1, JBC_impdep2, JBC_imul, JBC_ineg, JBC_instanceof, JBC_int2byte, JBC_int2char, JBC_int2short, JBC_invokeinterface, JBC_invokespecial, JBC_invokestatic, JBC_invokevirtual, JBC_ior, JBC_irem, JBC_ireturn, JBC_ishl, JBC_ishr, JBC_istore, JBC_istore_0, JBC_istore_1, JBC_istore_2, JBC_istore_3, JBC_isub, JBC_iushr, JBC_ixor, JBC_jsr, JBC_jsr_w, JBC_l2d, JBC_l2f, JBC_l2i, JBC_ladd, JBC_laload, JBC_land, JBC_lastore, JBC_lcmp, JBC_lconst_0, JBC_lconst_1, JBC_ldc, JBC_ldc_w, JBC_ldc2_w, JBC_ldiv, JBC_length, JBC_lload, JBC_lload_0, JBC_lload_1, JBC_lload_2, JBC_lload_3, JBC_lmul, JBC_lneg, JBC_lookupswitch, JBC_lor, JBC_lrem, JBC_lreturn, JBC_lshl, JBC_lshr, JBC_lstore, JBC_lstore_0, JBC_lstore_1, JBC_lstore_2, JBC_lstore_3, JBC_lsub, JBC_lushr, JBC_lxor, JBC_monitorenter, JBC_monitorexit, JBC_multianewarray, JBC_name, JBC_new, JBC_newarray, JBC_nop, JBC_pop, JBC_pop2, JBC_putfield, JBC_putstatic, JBC_ret, JBC_return, JBC_saload, JBC_sastore, JBC_sipush, JBC_swap, JBC_tableswitch, JBC_wide, JBC_xxxunusedxxx
Constructor Summary
BranchProfiles(NormalMethod m, int[] cs)
Method Summary
 BranchProfile getEntry(int bcIndex)
          Find the BranchProfile for a given bytecode index in the BranchProfile array
 void print(PrintStream ps)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


private final NormalMethod method


private final int numCounters


private final BranchProfile[] data
Constructor Detail


BranchProfiles(NormalMethod m,
               int[] cs)
Method Detail


public BranchProfile getEntry(int bcIndex)
Find the BranchProfile for a given bytecode index in the BranchProfile array

bcIndex - the bytecode index of the branch instruction
the desired BranchProfile, or null if it cannot be found.


public void print(PrintStream ps)