001    /*
002     *  This file is part of the Jikes RVM project (http://jikesrvm.org).
003     *
004     *  This file is licensed to You under the Eclipse Public License (EPL);
005     *  You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You
006     *  may obtain a copy of the License at
007     *
008     *      http://www.opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php
009     *
010     *  See the COPYRIGHT.txt file distributed with this work for information
011     *  regarding copyright ownership.
012     */
013    package org.mmtk.utility;
015    import org.mmtk.plan.ParallelCollector;
016    import org.mmtk.plan.Plan;
017    import org.mmtk.plan.semispace.gctrace.GCTrace;
018    import org.mmtk.plan.TraceLocal;
019    import org.mmtk.policy.Space;
020    import org.mmtk.utility.deque.*;
021    import org.mmtk.utility.options.Options;
022    import org.mmtk.utility.options.TraceRate;
024    import org.mmtk.vm.VM;
026    import org.vmmagic.pragma.*;
027    import org.vmmagic.unboxed.*;
029    /**
030     * Class that supports scanning Objects and Arrays for references
031     * during tracing, handling those references, and computing death times
032     */
033    @Uninterruptible public final class TraceGenerator
034      implements Constants, TracingConstants {
037      /***********************************************************************
038       *
039       * Class variables
040       */
042      /** Type of lifetime analysis to be used */
043      public static final boolean MERLIN_ANALYSIS = true;
045      /* include the notion of build-time allocation to our list of allocators */
046      private static final int ALLOC_BOOT = GCTrace.ALLOCATORS;
047      private static final int ALLOCATORS = ALLOC_BOOT + 1;
049      /* Fields for tracing */
050      private static SortTODSharedDeque tracePool; // Buffers to hold raw trace
051      private static TraceBuffer trace;
052      private static boolean traceBusy; // If we are building the trace
053      private static Word lastGC; // Last time GC was performed
054      private static ObjectReferenceArray objectLinks; // Lists of active objs
056      /* Fields needed for Merlin lifetime analysis */
057      private static SortTODSharedDeque workListPool; // Holds objs to process
058      private static SortTODObjectReferenceStack worklist; // Objs to process
059      private static Word agePropagate; // Death time propagating
061      static {
062        traceBusy = false;
063        lastGC = Word.fromIntZeroExtend(4);
064        Options.traceRate = new TraceRate();
065      }
068      /***********************************************************************
069       *
070       * Public analysis methods
071       */
073      /**
074       * This is called at "build-time" and passes the necessary build image
075       * objects to the trace processor.
076       *
077       * @param worklist_ The dequeue that serves as the worklist for
078       * death time propagation
079       * @param trace_ The dequeue used to store and then output the trace
080       */
081      @Interruptible
082      public static void init(SortTODSharedDeque worklist_,
083                                    SortTODSharedDeque trace_) {
084        /* Objects are only needed for merlin tracing */
085        if (MERLIN_ANALYSIS) {
086          workListPool = worklist_;
087          worklist = new SortTODObjectReferenceStack(workListPool);
088        }
090        /* Trace objects */
091        tracePool = trace_;
092        trace = new TraceBuffer(tracePool);
093        objectLinks = ObjectReferenceArray.create(Space.MAX_SPACES);
094      }
096      /**
097       * This is called immediately before Jikes terminates.  It will perform
098       * any death time processing that the analysis requires and then output
099       * any remaining information in the trace buffer.
100       *
101       * @param value The integer value for the reason Jikes is terminating
102       */
103      public static void notifyExit(int value) {
104        if (MERLIN_ANALYSIS)
105          findDeaths();
106        trace.process();
107      }
109      /**
110       * Add a newly allocated object into the linked list of objects in a region.
111       * This is typically called after each object allocation.
112       *
113       * @param ref The address of the object to be added to the linked list
114       * @param linkSpace The region to which the object should be added
115       */
116      public static void addTraceObject(ObjectReference ref, int linkSpace) {
117        VM.traceInterface.setLink(ref, objectLinks.get(linkSpace));
118        objectLinks.set(linkSpace, ref);
119      }
121      /**
122       * Do the work necessary following each garbage collection. This HAS to be
123       * called after EACH collection.
124       */
125      public static void postCollection() {
126        /* Find and output the object deaths */
127        traceBusy = true;
128        findDeaths();
129        traceBusy = false;
130        trace.process();
131      }
134      /***********************************************************************
135       *
136       * Trace generation code
137       */
139      /**
140       * Add the information in the bootImage to the trace.  This should be
141       * called before any allocations and pointer updates have occurred.
142       *
143       * @param bootStart The address at which the bootimage starts
144       */
145      public static void boot(Address bootStart) {
146        Word nextOID = VM.traceInterface.getOID();
147        ObjectReference trav = VM.traceInterface.getBootImageLink().plus(bootStart.toWord().toOffset()).toObjectReference();
148        objectLinks.set(ALLOC_BOOT, trav);
149        /* Loop through all the objects within boot image */
150        while (!trav.isNull()) {
151          ObjectReference next = VM.traceInterface.getLink(trav);
152          Word thisOID = VM.traceInterface.getOID(trav);
153          /* Add the boot image object to the trace. */
154          trace.push(TRACE_BOOT_ALLOC);
155          trace.push(thisOID);
156          trace.push(nextOID.minus(thisOID).lsh(LOG_BYTES_IN_ADDRESS));
157          nextOID = thisOID;
158          /* Move to the next object & adjust for starting address of
159             the bootImage */
160          if (!next.isNull()) {
161            next = next.toAddress().plus(bootStart.toWord().toOffset()).toObjectReference();
162            VM.traceInterface.setLink(trav, next);
163          }
164          trav = next;
165        }
166      }
168      /**
169       * Do any tracing work required at each a pointer store operation.  This
170       * will add the pointer store to the trace buffer and, when Merlin lifetime
171       * analysis is being used, performs the necessary timestamping.
172       *
173       * @param isScalar If this is a pointer store to a scalar object
174       * @param src The address of the source object
175       * @param slot The address within <code>src</code> into which
176       * <code>tgt</code> will be stored
177       * @param tgt The target of the pointer store
178       */
179      @NoInline
180      public static void processPointerUpdate(boolean isScalar,
181                                              ObjectReference src,
182                                              Address slot, ObjectReference tgt) {
183        // The trace can be busy only if this is a pointer update as a result of
184        // the garbage collection needed by tracing. For the moment, we will
185        // not report these updates.
186        if (!traceBusy) {
187          /* Process the old target potentially becoming unreachable when needed. */
188          if (MERLIN_ANALYSIS) {
189            ObjectReference oldTgt = slot.loadObjectReference();
190            if (!oldTgt.isNull())
191              VM.traceInterface.updateDeathTime(oldTgt);
192          }
194          traceBusy = true;
195          /* Add the pointer store to the trace */
196          Offset traceOffset = VM.traceInterface.adjustSlotOffset(isScalar, src, slot);
197          if (isScalar)
198            trace.push(TRACE_FIELD_SET);
199          else
200            trace.push(TRACE_ARRAY_SET);
201          trace.push(VM.traceInterface.getOID(src));
202          trace.push(traceOffset.toWord());
203          if (tgt.isNull())
204            trace.push(Word.zero());
205          else
206            trace.push(VM.traceInterface.getOID(tgt));
207          traceBusy = false;
208        }
209      }
211      /**
212       * Do any tracing work required at each object allocation. This will add the
213       * object allocation to the trace buffer, triggers the necessary collection
214       * work at exact allocations, and output the data in the trace buffer.
215       *
216       * @param ref The address of the object just allocated.
217       * @param typeRef the type reference for the instance being created
218       * @param bytes The size of the object being allocated
219       */
220      @LogicallyUninterruptible
221      @NoInline
222      public static void traceAlloc(boolean isImmortal, ObjectReference ref,
223          ObjectReference typeRef, int bytes) {
224        boolean gcAllowed = VM.traceInterface.gcEnabled() && Plan.isInitialized() && VM.activePlan.isMutator();
225        /* Test if it is time/possible for an exact allocation. */
226        Word oid = VM.traceInterface.getOID(ref);
227        Word allocType;
228        if (gcAllowed && (oid.GE(lastGC.plus(Word.fromIntZeroExtend(Options.traceRate.getValue())))))
229          allocType = TRACE_EXACT_ALLOC;
230        else {
231          allocType = TRACE_ALLOC;
232        }
233        /* Add the allocation into the trace. */
234        traceBusy = true;
235        /* When legally permissible, add the record to the trace buffer */
236        if (MERLIN_ANALYSIS) {
237           Address fp = (TraceBuffer.OMIT_ALLOCS) ? Address.zero() : VM.traceInterface.skipOwnFramesAndDump(typeRef);
239           if (isImmortal && allocType.EQ(TRACE_EXACT_ALLOC))
240             trace.push(TRACE_EXACT_IMMORTAL_ALLOC);
241           else if (isImmortal)
242             trace.push(TRACE_IMMORTAL_ALLOC);
243           else
244             trace.push(allocType);
245           trace.push(VM.traceInterface.getOID(ref));
246           trace.push(Word.fromIntZeroExtend(bytes - VM.traceInterface.getHeaderSize()));
247           trace.push(fp.toWord());
248           trace.push(Word.zero()); /* Magic.getThreadId() */
249           trace.push(TRACE_TIB_SET);
250           trace.push(VM.traceInterface.getOID(ref));
251           trace.push(VM.traceInterface.getOID(typeRef));
252        }
253        /* Perform the necessary work for death times. */
254        if (allocType.EQ(TRACE_EXACT_ALLOC)) {
255          if (MERLIN_ANALYSIS) {
256            lastGC = VM.traceInterface.getOID(ref);
257            VM.traceInterface.updateTime(lastGC);
258            // FIXME TODO: VM.collection.triggerCollection(Collection.INTERNAL_GC_TRIGGER);
259          } else {
260            // FIXME TODO: VM.collection.triggerCollection(Collection.RESOURCE_GC_TRIGGER);
261            lastGC = VM.traceInterface.getOID(ref);
262          }
263        }
264        /* Add the allocation record to the buffer if we have not yet done so. */
265        if (!MERLIN_ANALYSIS) {
266           Address fp = (TraceBuffer.OMIT_ALLOCS) ? Address.zero() : VM.traceInterface.skipOwnFramesAndDump(typeRef);
267           if (isImmortal && allocType.EQ(TRACE_EXACT_ALLOC))
268             trace.push(TRACE_EXACT_IMMORTAL_ALLOC);
269           else if (isImmortal)
270             trace.push(TRACE_IMMORTAL_ALLOC);
271           else
272             trace.push(allocType);
273           trace.push(VM.traceInterface.getOID(ref));
274           trace.push(Word.fromIntZeroExtend(bytes - VM.traceInterface.getHeaderSize()));
275           trace.push(fp.toWord());
276           trace.push(Word.zero()); /* Magic.getThreadId() */
277           trace.push(TRACE_TIB_SET);
278           trace.push(VM.traceInterface.getOID(ref));
279           trace.push(VM.traceInterface.getOID(typeRef));
280        }
281        trace.process();
282        traceBusy = false;
283      }
285      /***********************************************************************
286       *
287       * Merlin lifetime analysis methods
288       */
290      /**
291       * This computes and adds to the trace buffer the unreachable time for
292       * all of the objects that are _provably_ unreachable.  This method
293       * should be called after garbage collection (but before the space has
294       * been reclaimed) and at program termination.
295       */
296      private static void findDeaths() {
297        /* Only the merlin analysis needs to compute death times */
298        if (MERLIN_ANALYSIS) {
299          /* Start with an empty stack. */
300          if (VM.VERIFY_ASSERTIONS) VM.assertions._assert(worklist.isEmpty());
301          /* Scan the linked list of objects within each region */
302          for (int allocator = 0; allocator < ALLOCATORS; allocator++) {
303            ObjectReference thisRef = objectLinks.get(allocator);
304            /* Start at the top of each linked list */
305            while (!thisRef.isNull()) {
306              /* Add the unreachable objects onto the worklist. */
307              if (!getTraceLocal().isReachable(thisRef))
308                worklist.push(thisRef);
309              thisRef = VM.traceInterface.getLink(thisRef);
310            }
311          }
312          /* Sort the objects on the worklist by their timestamp */
313          if (!worklist.isEmpty())
314            worklist.sort();
315          /* Now compute the death times. */
316          computeTransitiveClosure();
317        }
318        /* Output the death times for each object */
319        for (int allocator = 0; allocator < ALLOCATORS; allocator++) {
320          ObjectReference thisRef = objectLinks.get(allocator);
321          ObjectReference prevRef = ObjectReference.nullReference(); // the last live object seen
322          while (!thisRef.isNull()) {
323            ObjectReference nextRef = VM.traceInterface.getLink(thisRef);
324            /* Maintain reachable objects on the linked list of allocated objects */
325            if (getTraceLocal().isReachable(thisRef)) {
326              thisRef = getTraceLocal().getForwardedReference(thisRef);
327              VM.traceInterface.setLink(thisRef, prevRef);
328              prevRef = thisRef;
329            } else {
330              /* For brute force lifetime analysis, objects become
331                 unreachable "now" */
332              Word deadTime;
333              if (MERLIN_ANALYSIS)
334                deadTime = VM.traceInterface.getDeathTime(thisRef);
335              else
336                deadTime = lastGC;
337              /* Add the death record to the trace for unreachable objects. */
338              trace.push(TRACE_DEATH);
339              trace.push(VM.traceInterface.getOID(thisRef));
340              trace.push(deadTime);
341            }
342            thisRef = nextRef;
343          }
344          /* Purge the list of unreachable objects... */
345          objectLinks.set(allocator, prevRef);
346        }
347      }
349      /**
350       * This method is called for each root-referenced object at every Merlin
351       * root enumeration.  The method will update the death time of the parameter
352       * to the current trace time.
353       *
354       * @param obj The root-referenced object
355       */
356      public static void rootEnumerate(ObjectReference obj) {
357        VM.traceInterface.updateDeathTime(obj);
358      }
360      /**
361       * This propagates the death time being computed to the object passed as an
362       * address. If we find the unreachable time for the parameter, it will be
363       * pushed on to the processing stack.
364       *
365       * @param ref The address of the object to examine
366       */
367      public static void propagateDeathTime(ObjectReference ref) {
368        /* If this death time is more accurate, set it. */
369        if (VM.traceInterface.getDeathTime(ref).LT(agePropagate)) {
370          /* If we should add the object for further processing. */
371          if (!getTraceLocal().isReachable(ref)) {
372            VM.traceInterface.setDeathTime(ref, agePropagate);
373            worklist.push(ref);
374          } else {
375            VM.traceInterface.setDeathTime(getTraceLocal().getForwardedReference(ref), agePropagate);
376          }
377        }
378      }
380      /**
381       * This finds all object death times by computing the (limited)
382       * transitive closure of the dead objects.  Death times are computed
383       * as the latest reaching death time to an object.
384       */
385      private static void computeTransitiveClosure() {
386         if (!worklist.isEmpty()) {
387           /* The latest time an object can die. */
388           agePropagate = Word.max();
389           /* Process through the entire buffer. */
390           ObjectReference ref = worklist.pop();
391           while (!ref.isNull()) {
392             Word currentAge = VM.traceInterface.getDeathTime(ref);
393             /* This is a cheap and simple test to process objects only once. */
394             if (currentAge.LE(agePropagate)) {
395               /* Set the "new" dead age. */
396               agePropagate = currentAge;
397               /* Scan the object, pushing the survivors */
398               VM.scanning.scanObject(getTraceLocal(), ref);
399             }
400             /* Get the next object to process */
401             ref = worklist.pop();
402           }
403         }
404      }
406      private static TraceLocal getTraceLocal() {
407        return ((ParallelCollector)VM.activePlan.collector()).getCurrentTrace();
408      }
410    }