001    /*
002     *  This file is part of the Jikes RVM project (http://jikesrvm.org).
003     *
004     *  This file is licensed to You under the Eclipse Public License (EPL);
005     *  You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You
006     *  may obtain a copy of the License at
007     *
008     *      http://www.opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php
009     *
010     *  See the COPYRIGHT.txt file distributed with this work for information
011     *  regarding copyright ownership.
012     */
013    package org.mmtk.policy;
015    import org.mmtk.plan.TransitiveClosure;
016    import org.mmtk.utility.heap.*;
017    import org.mmtk.utility.options.Options;
018    import org.mmtk.utility.options.MarkSweepMarkBits;
019    import org.mmtk.utility.options.EagerCompleteSweep;
020    import org.mmtk.utility.Constants;
021    import org.mmtk.utility.HeaderByte;
023    import org.mmtk.vm.VM;
025    import org.vmmagic.pragma.*;
026    import org.vmmagic.unboxed.*;
028    /**
029     * Each instance of this class corresponds to one mark-sweep *space*.
030     * Each of the instance methods of this class may be called by any
031     * thread (i.e. synchronization must be explicit in any instance or
032     * class method).  This contrasts with the MarkSweepLocal, where
033     * instances correspond to *plan* instances and therefore to kernel
034     * threads.  Thus unlike this class, synchronization is not necessary
035     * in the instance methods of MarkSweepLocal.
036     */
037    @Uninterruptible
038    public final class MarkSweepSpace extends SegregatedFreeListSpace implements Constants {
040      /****************************************************************************
041       *
042       * Class variables
043       */
045      /**
046       * Select between using mark bits in a side bitmap, or mark bits
047       * in the headers of object (or other sub-class scheme), and a single
048       * mark bit per block.
049       */
050      public static final boolean HEADER_MARK_BITS = VM.config.HEADER_MARK_BITS;
051      /** highest bit bits we may use */
052      private static final int AVAILABLE_LOCAL_BITS = 8 - HeaderByte.USED_GLOBAL_BITS;
054      /* mark bits */
055      private static final int COUNT_BASE = 0;
057      public static final int DEFAULT_MARKCOUNT_BITS = 4;
058      public static final int MAX_MARKCOUNT_BITS = AVAILABLE_LOCAL_BITS - COUNT_BASE;
059      private static final byte MARK_COUNT_INCREMENT = (byte) (1<<COUNT_BASE);
060      private static final byte MARK_COUNT_MASK = (byte) (((1<<MAX_MARKCOUNT_BITS)-1) << COUNT_BASE);
062      private static final boolean EAGER_MARK_CLEAR = HeaderByte.NEEDS_UNLOGGED_BIT;
064      /* header requirements */
065      public static final int LOCAL_GC_BITS_REQUIRED = MAX_MARKCOUNT_BITS;
066      public static final int GLOBAL_GC_BITS_REQUIRED = 0;
067      public static final int GC_HEADER_WORDS_REQUIRED = 0;
070      /****************************************************************************
071       *
072       * Instance variables
073       */
075      /**
076       *
077       */
078      private byte markState = 1;
079      private byte allocState = 0;
080      private boolean inMSCollection;
081      private static final boolean usingStickyMarkBits = VM.activePlan.constraints().needsLogBitInHeader(); /* are sticky mark bits in use? */
082      private boolean isAgeSegregated = false; /* is this space a nursery space? */
083      private boolean isAllocAsMarked = false;
085      /****************************************************************************
086       *
087       * Initialization
088       */
090      static {
091        Options.markSweepMarkBits = new MarkSweepMarkBits();
092        Options.eagerCompleteSweep = new EagerCompleteSweep();
093      }
095      /**
096       * The caller specifies the region of virtual memory to be used for
097       * this space.  If this region conflicts with an existing space,
098       * then the constructor will fail.
099       *
100       * @param name The name of this space (used when printing error messages etc)
101       * @param vmRequest An object describing the virtual memory requested.
102       */
103      public MarkSweepSpace(String name, VMRequest vmRequest) {
104        super(name, 0, vmRequest);
105        if (usingStickyMarkBits) allocState |= HeaderByte.UNLOGGED_BIT;
106      }
108      /**
109       * This instance will be age-segregated using the sticky mark bits
110       * algorithm. Perform appropriate initialization
111       */
112      public void makeAgeSegregatedSpace() {
113        /* we must be using sticky mark bits */
114        if (VM.VERIFY_ASSERTIONS) VM.assertions._assert(usingStickyMarkBits);
115        allocState &= ~HeaderByte.UNLOGGED_BIT; /* clear the unlogged bit for nursery allocs */
116        isAgeSegregated = true;
117      }
119      /**
120       * Should SegregatedFreeListSpace manage a side bitmap to keep track of live objects?
121       */
122      @Override
123      @Inline
124      protected boolean maintainSideBitmap() {
125        return !HEADER_MARK_BITS;
126      }
128      @Override
129      @Inline
130      protected boolean preserveFreeList() {
131        return !LAZY_SWEEP;
132      }
134      /****************************************************************************
135       *
136       * Allocation
137       */
139      /**
140       * Prepare the next block in the free block list for use by the free
141       * list allocator.  In the case of lazy sweeping this involves
142       * sweeping the available cells.  <b>The sweeping operation must
143       * ensure that cells are pre-zeroed</b>, as this method must return
144       * pre-zeroed cells.
145       *
146       * @param block The block to be prepared for use
147       * @param sizeClass The size class of the block
148       * @return The address of the first pre-zeroed cell in the free list
149       * for this block, or zero if there are no available cells.
150       */
151      @Override
152      protected Address advanceToBlock(Address block, int sizeClass) {
153        if (HEADER_MARK_BITS) {
154          if (inMSCollection) markBlock(block);
155        }
157        if (LAZY_SWEEP) {
158          return makeFreeList(block, sizeClass);
159        } else {
160          return getFreeList(block);
161        }
162      }
164      /**
165       * {@inheritDoc}<p>
166       *
167       * This is to ensure that appropriate collection state can be initialized
168       * for the block.
169       */
170      @Override
171      protected void notifyNewBlock(Address block, int sizeClass) {
172        if (HEADER_MARK_BITS) {
173          if (inMSCollection) markBlock(block);
174        }
175      }
177      /****************************************************************************
178       *
179       * Collection
180       */
182      /**
183       * Prepare for a new collection increment.  For the mark-sweep
184       * collector we must flip the state of the mark bit between
185       * collections.
186       *
187       * @param gcWholeMS True if we are going to collect the whole marksweep space
188       */
189      public void prepare(boolean gcWholeMS) {
190        if (HEADER_MARK_BITS && Options.eagerCompleteSweep.getValue()) {
191          consumeBlocks();
192        } else {
193          flushAvailableBlocks();
194        }
195        if (HEADER_MARK_BITS) {
196          if (gcWholeMS) {
197            allocState = markState;
198            if (usingStickyMarkBits && !isAgeSegregated) /* if true, we allocate as "mature", not nursery */
199              allocState |= HeaderByte.UNLOGGED_BIT;
200            markState = deltaMarkState(true);
201            if (EAGER_MARK_CLEAR)
202              clearAllBlockMarks();
203          }
204        } else {
205          zeroLiveBits();
206        }
207        inMSCollection = true;
208      }
210      /**
211       * A new collection increment has completed.  For the mark-sweep
212       * collector this means we can perform the sweep phase.
213     */
214      public void release() {
215        sweepConsumedBlocks(!EAGER_MARK_CLEAR);
216        inMSCollection = false;
217      }
219      /**
220       * Release an allocated page or pages
221       *
222       * @param start The address of the start of the page or pages
223       */
224      @Override
225      @Inline
226      public void release(Address start) {
227        ((FreeListPageResource) pr).releasePages(start);
228      }
230      /**
231       * Should the sweep reclaim the cell containing this object. Is this object
232       * live. This is only used when maintainSideBitmap is false.
233       *
234       * @param object The object to query
235       * @return True if the cell should be reclaimed
236       */
237      @Override
238      @Inline
239      protected boolean isCellLive(ObjectReference object) {
240        if (!HEADER_MARK_BITS) {
241          return super.isCellLive(object);
242        }
243        return testMarkState(object);
244      }
246      /****************************************************************************
247       *
248       * Object processing and tracing
249       */
251      /**
252       * Trace a reference to an object under a mark sweep collection
253       * policy.  If the object header is not already marked, mark the
254       * object in either the bitmap or by moving it off the treadmill,
255       * and enqueue the object for subsequent processing. The object is
256       * marked as (an atomic) side-effect of checking whether already
257       * marked.
258       *
259       * @param object The object to be traced.
260       * @return The object (there is no object forwarding in this
261       * collector, so we always return the same object: this could be a
262       * void method but for compliance to a more general interface).
263       */
264      @Override
265      @Inline
266      public ObjectReference traceObject(TransitiveClosure trace, ObjectReference object) {
267        if (HEADER_MARK_BITS) {
268          if (testAndMark(object)) {
269            markBlock(object);
270            trace.processNode(object);
271          }
272        } else {
273          if (testAndSetLiveBit(object)) {
274            trace.processNode(object);
275          }
276        }
277        return object;
278      }
280      /**
281       * @return {@code true} if this object is known to be live (i.e. it is marked)
282       */
283      @Override
284      @Inline
285      public boolean isLive(ObjectReference object) {
286        if (HEADER_MARK_BITS) {
287          return testMarkState(object);
288        } else {
289          return liveBitSet(object);
290        }
291      }
293      /**
294       * Get the previous mark state.
295       *
296       * @return The previous mark state.
297       */
298      @Inline
299      public byte getPreviousMarkState() {
300        return deltaMarkState(false);
301      }
303      /**
304       * Return the mark state incremented or decremented by one.
305       *
306       * @param increment If true, then return the incremented value else return the decremented value
307       * @return the mark state incremented or decremented by one.
308       */
309      private byte deltaMarkState(boolean increment) {
310        byte mask = (byte) (((1 << Options.markSweepMarkBits.getValue()) - 1)<<COUNT_BASE);
311        byte rtn = (byte) (increment ? markState + MARK_COUNT_INCREMENT : markState - MARK_COUNT_INCREMENT);
312        rtn &= mask;
313        if (VM.VERIFY_ASSERTIONS) VM.assertions._assert((markState & ~MARK_COUNT_MASK) == 0);
314        return rtn;
315      }
317      /****************************************************************************
318       *
319       * Header manipulation
320       */
322      /**
323       * Perform any required post allocation initialization
324       *
325       * @param object the object ref to the storage to be initialized
326       */
327      @Inline
328      public void postAlloc(ObjectReference object) {
329        initializeHeader(object, true);
330      }
332      /**
333       * Perform any required post copy (i.e. in-GC allocation) initialization.
334       * This is relevant (for example) when MS is used as the mature space in
335       * a copying GC.
336       *
337       * @param object the object ref to the storage to be initialized
338       * @param majorGC Is this copy happening during a major gc?
339       */
340      @Inline
341      public void postCopy(ObjectReference object, boolean majorGC) {
342        initializeHeader(object, false);
343        if (!HEADER_MARK_BITS) {
344          testAndSetLiveBit(object);
345        }
346      }
348      /**
349       * Perform any required initialization of the GC portion of the header.
350       *
351       * @param object the object ref to the storage to be initialized
352       * @param alloc is this initialization occuring due to (initial) allocation
353       * (true) or due to copying (false)?
354       */
355      @Inline
356      public void initializeHeader(ObjectReference object, boolean alloc) {
357        if (HEADER_MARK_BITS) {
358          byte oldValue = VM.objectModel.readAvailableByte(object);
359          byte newValue = (byte) ((oldValue & ~MARK_COUNT_MASK) | (alloc && !isAllocAsMarked ? allocState : markState));
360          VM.objectModel.writeAvailableByte(object, newValue);
361        } else if (HeaderByte.NEEDS_UNLOGGED_BIT)
362          HeaderByte.markAsUnlogged(object);
363      }
365      /**
366       * Atomically attempt to set the mark bit of an object.  Return true
367       * if successful, false if the mark bit was already set.
368       *
369       * @param object The object whose mark bit is to be set
370       */
371      @Inline
372      private boolean testAndMark(ObjectReference object) {
373        byte oldValue, markBits, newValue;
374        oldValue = VM.objectModel.readAvailableByte(object);
375        markBits = (byte) (oldValue & MARK_COUNT_MASK);
376        if (markBits == markState) return false;
377        newValue = (byte)((oldValue & ~MARK_COUNT_MASK) | markState);
378        if (HeaderByte.NEEDS_UNLOGGED_BIT) newValue |= HeaderByte.UNLOGGED_BIT;
379        VM.objectModel.writeAvailableByte(object, newValue);
380        return true;
381      }
383      /**
384       * Return true if the mark count for an object has the given value.
385       *
386       * @param object The object whose mark bit is to be tested
387       * @return <code>true</code> if the mark bit for the object is set.
388       */
389      @Inline
390      private boolean testMarkState(ObjectReference object) {
391        if (VM.VERIFY_ASSERTIONS) VM.assertions._assert((markState & ~MARK_COUNT_MASK) == 0);
392        return (VM.objectModel.readAvailableByte(object) & MARK_COUNT_MASK) == markState;
393      }
395      public void makeAllocAsMarked() {
396        isAllocAsMarked = true;
397      }
398    }