001    /*
002     *  This file is part of the Jikes RVM project (http://jikesrvm.org).
003     *
004     *  This file is licensed to You under the Eclipse Public License (EPL);
005     *  You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You
006     *  may obtain a copy of the License at
007     *
008     *      http://www.opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php
009     *
010     *  See the COPYRIGHT.txt file distributed with this work for information
011     *  regarding copyright ownership.
012     */
013    package org.jikesrvm.mm.mmtk;
015    import org.mmtk.plan.Plan;
016    import org.mmtk.plan.TraceLocal;
017    import org.mmtk.utility.options.Options;
019    import org.vmmagic.pragma.*;
020    import org.vmmagic.unboxed.*;
022    import org.jikesrvm.VM;
023    import org.jikesrvm.mm.mminterface.DebugUtil;
024    import org.jikesrvm.mm.mminterface.Selected;
025    import org.jikesrvm.runtime.Entrypoints;
026    import org.jikesrvm.runtime.Magic;
027    import org.jikesrvm.scheduler.RVMThread;
029    import java.lang.ref.Reference;
030    import java.lang.ref.SoftReference;
031    import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
032    import java.lang.ref.PhantomReference;
035    /**
036     * This class manages SoftReferences, WeakReferences, and
037     * PhantomReferences. When a java/lang/ref/Reference object is created,
038     * its address is added to a table of pending reference objects of the
039     * appropriate type. An address is used so the reference will not stay
040     * alive during GC if it isn't in use elsewhere the mutator. During
041     * GC, the various lists are processed in the proper order to
042     * determine if any Reference objects are ready to be enqueued or
043     * whether referents that have died should be kept alive until the
044     * Reference is explicitly cleared. MMTk drives this processing and
045     * uses this class, via the VM interface, to scan the lists of pending
046     * reference objects.
047     * <p>
048     * As an optimization for generational collectors, each reference type
049     * maintains two queues: a nursery queue and the main queue.
050     */
051    @Uninterruptible
052    public final class ReferenceProcessor extends org.mmtk.vm.ReferenceProcessor {
054      /********************************************************************
055       * Class fields
056       */
058      private static final Lock lock = new Lock("ReferenceProcessor");
060      private static final ReferenceProcessor softReferenceProcessor =
061        new ReferenceProcessor(Semantics.SOFT);
062      private static final ReferenceProcessor weakReferenceProcessor =
063        new ReferenceProcessor(Semantics.WEAK);
064      private static final ReferenceProcessor phantomReferenceProcessor =
065        new ReferenceProcessor(Semantics.PHANTOM);
067      // Debug flags
068      private static final boolean TRACE = false;
069      private static final boolean TRACE_UNREACHABLE = false;
070      private static final boolean TRACE_DETAIL = false;
071      private static final boolean STRESS = false || VM.ForceFrequentGC;
073      /** Initial size of the reference object table */
074      private static final int INITIAL_SIZE = STRESS ? 1 : 256;
076      /**
077       * Grow the reference object table by this multiplier
078       * on overflow
079       */
080      private static final double GROWTH_FACTOR = 2.0;
083      /*************************************************************************
084       * Instance fields
085       */
087      /**
088       * The table of reference objects for the current semantics
089       */
090      private volatile AddressArray references = AddressArray.create(INITIAL_SIZE);
092      /**
093       * In a MarkCompact (or similar) collector, we need to update the {@code references}
094       * field, and then update its contents.  We implement this by saving the pointer in
095       * this untraced field for use during the {@code forward} pass.
096       */
097      @Untraced
098      private volatile AddressArray unforwardedReferences = null;
100      /**
101       * Index into the <code>references</code> table for the start of
102       * the reference nursery.
103       */
104      private int nurseryIndex = 0;
106      /**
107       * Index of the first free slot in the reference table.
108       */
109      private volatile int maxIndex = 0;
111      /**
112       * Flag to prevent a race between threads growing the reference object
113       * table.
114       */
115      private volatile boolean growingTable = false;
117      /**
118       * Semantics
119       */
120      private final Semantics semantics;
122      /** Copy of semantics.toString() for use in uninterruptible code */
123      private final String semanticsStr;
126      /**
127       * Create a reference processor for a given semantics
128       *
129       * @param semantics
130       */
131      private ReferenceProcessor(Semantics semantics) {
132        this.semantics = semantics;
133        this.semanticsStr = semantics.toString();
134      }
136      /**
137       * Factory method.
138       * Creates an instance of the appropriate reference type processor.
139       * @return the reference processor
140       */
141      @Interruptible
142      public static ReferenceProcessor get(Semantics semantics) {
143        switch(semantics) {
144        case WEAK:    return weakReferenceProcessor;
145        case SOFT:    return softReferenceProcessor;
146        case PHANTOM: return phantomReferenceProcessor;
147        default:
148          if (VM.VerifyAssertions) VM._assert(VM.NOT_REACHED,"Unrecognized semantics");
149          return null;
150        }
151      }
153      /**
154       * Add a reference at the end of the table
155       * @param ref The reference to add
156       */
157      private void addReference(Reference<?> ref, ObjectReference referent) {
158        ObjectReference reference = ObjectReference.fromObject(ref);
159        setReferent(reference, referent);
160        setReference(maxIndex++,reference);
161      }
163      /**
164       * Update the reference table
165       *
166       * @param i The table index
167       * @param ref The reference to insert
168       */
169      private void setReference(int i, ObjectReference ref) {
170        if (TRACE_DETAIL) {
171          VM.sysWrite("slot ",i);
172          VM.sysWriteln(" => ",ref);
173        }
174        references.set(i,ref.toAddress());
175      }
177      /**
178       * Retrieve from the reference table
179       *
180       * @param i Table index
181       * @return The reference object at index i
182       */
183      private ObjectReference getReference(int i) {
184        return references.get(i).toObjectReference();
185      }
187      /**
188       * Grow the reference table by GROWTH_FACTOR.
189       *
190       * <p>Logically Uninterruptible because it can GC when it allocates, but
191       * the rest of the code can't tolerate GC.
192       *
193       * <p>This method is called without the reference processor lock held,
194       * but with the flag <code>growingTable</code> set.
195       */
196      @UninterruptibleNoWarn
197      private AddressArray growReferenceTable() {
198        int newLength = STRESS ? references.length() + 1 : (int)(references.length() * GROWTH_FACTOR);
199        if (TRACE) VM.sysWriteln("Expanding reference type table ",semanticsStr," to ",newLength);
200        AddressArray newReferences = AddressArray.create(newLength);
201        for (int i=0; i < references.length(); i++)
202          newReferences.set(i,references.get(i));
203        return newReferences;
204      }
206      /**
207       * Add a reference to the list of references.  This method is responsible
208       * for installing the  address of the referent into the Reference object
209       * so that the referent is traced at all yield points before the Reference
210       * is correctly installed in the reference table.
211       *
212       * (SJF: This method must NOT be inlined into an inlined allocation
213       * sequence, since it contains a lock!)
214       *
215       * @param referent The referent of the reference
216       * @param ref The reference to add
217       */
218      @NoInline
219      @Unpreemptible("Non-preemptible but yield when table needs to be grown")
220      private void addCandidate(Reference<?> ref, ObjectReference referent) {
221        if (TRACE) {
222          ObjectReference referenceAsAddress = ObjectReference.fromObject(ref);
223          VM.sysWrite("Adding Reference: ", referenceAsAddress);
224          VM.sysWriteln(" ~> ", referent);
225        }
227        /*
228         * Ensure that only one thread at a time can grow the
229         * table of references.  The volatile flag <code>growingTable</code> is
230         * used to allow growing the table to trigger GC, but to prevent
231         * any other thread from accessing the table while it is being grown.
232         *
233         * If the table has space, threads will add the reference, incrementing maxIndex
234         * and exit.
235         *
236         * If the table is full, the first thread to notice will grow the table.
237         * Subsequent threads will release the lock and yield at (1) while the
238         * first thread
239         */
240        lock.acquire();
241        while (growingTable || maxIndex >= references.length()) {
242          if (growingTable) {
243            // FIXME: We should probably speculatively allocate a new table instead.
244            // note, we can copy without the lock after installing the new table (unint during copy).
245            lock.release();
246            RVMThread.yieldWithHandshake(); // (1) Allow another thread to grow the table
247            lock.acquire();
248          } else {
249            growingTable = true;  // Prevent other threads from growing table while lock is released
250            lock.release();       // Can't hold the lock while allocating
251            AddressArray newTable = growReferenceTable();
252            lock.acquire();
253            references = newTable;
254            growingTable = false; // Allow other threads to grow the table rather than waiting for us
255          }
256        }
257        addReference(ref,referent);
258        lock.release();
259      }
261      /***********************************************************************
262       *              GC time processing
263       */
265      /**
266       * {@inheritDoc}
267       * <p>
268       * Collectors like MarkCompact determine liveness and move objects
269       * using separate traces.
270       * <p>
271       * Currently ignores the nursery hint.
272       * <p>
273       * TODO parallelise this code
274       *
275       */
276      @Override
277      public void forward(TraceLocal trace, boolean nursery) {
278        if (VM.VerifyAssertions) VM._assert(unforwardedReferences != null);
279        if (TRACE) VM.sysWriteln("Starting ReferenceGlue.forward(",semanticsStr,")");
280        if (TRACE_DETAIL) {
281          VM.sysWrite(semanticsStr," Reference table is ",
282              Magic.objectAsAddress(references));
283          VM.sysWriteln("unforwardedReferences is ",
284              Magic.objectAsAddress(unforwardedReferences));
285        }
286        for (int i=0; i < maxIndex; i++) {
287          if (TRACE_DETAIL) VM.sysWrite("slot ",i,": ");
288          ObjectReference reference = unforwardedReferences.get(i).toObjectReference();
289          if (TRACE_DETAIL) VM.sysWriteln("forwarding ",reference);
290          setReferent(reference, trace.getForwardedReferent(getReferent(reference)));
291          ObjectReference newReference = trace.getForwardedReference(reference);
292          unforwardedReferences.set(i, newReference.toAddress());
293        }
294        if (TRACE) VM.sysWriteln("Ending ReferenceGlue.forward(",semanticsStr,")");
295        unforwardedReferences = null;
296      }
298      @Override
299      public void clear() {
300        maxIndex = 0;
301      }
303      /**
304       * {@inheritDoc} Calls ReferenceProcessor's
305       * processReference method for each reference and builds a new
306       * list of those references still active.
307       * <p>
308       * Depending on the value of <code>nursery</code>, we will either
309       * scan all references, or just those created since the last scan.
310       * <p>
311       * TODO parallelise this code
312       *
313       * @param nursery Scan only the newly created references
314       */
315      @Override
316      public void scan(TraceLocal trace, boolean nursery) {
317        unforwardedReferences = references;
319        if (TRACE) VM.sysWriteln("Starting ReferenceGlue.scan(",semanticsStr,")");
320        int toIndex = nursery ? nurseryIndex : 0;
322        if (TRACE_DETAIL) VM.sysWriteln(semanticsStr," Reference table is ",Magic.objectAsAddress(references));
323        for (int fromIndex = toIndex; fromIndex < maxIndex; fromIndex++) {
324          ObjectReference reference = getReference(fromIndex);
326          /* Determine liveness (and forward if necessary) the reference */
327          ObjectReference newReference = processReference(trace,reference);
328          if (!newReference.isNull()) {
329            setReference(toIndex++,newReference);
330            if (TRACE_DETAIL) {
331              int index = toIndex-1;
332              VM.sysWrite("SCANNED ",index);
333              VM.sysWrite(" ",references.get(index));
334              VM.sysWrite(" -> ");
335              VM.sysWriteln(getReferent(references.get(index).toObjectReference()));
336            }
337          }
338        }
339        if (Options.verbose.getValue() >= 3) {
340          VM.sysWrite(semanticsStr);
341          VM.sysWriteln(" references: ",maxIndex," -> ",toIndex);
342        }
343        nurseryIndex = maxIndex = toIndex;
345        /* flush out any remset entries generated during the above activities */
346        Selected.Mutator.get().flushRememberedSets();
347        if (TRACE) VM.sysWriteln("Ending ReferenceGlue.scan(",semanticsStr,")");
348      }
350      /**
351       * Put this Reference object on its ReferenceQueue (if it has one)
352       * when its referent is no longer sufficiently reachable. The
353       * definition of "reachable" is defined by the semantics of the
354       * particular subclass of Reference. The implementation of this
355       * routine is determined by the the implementation of
356       * java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue in GNU classpath. It is in this
357       * class rather than the public Reference class to ensure that Jikes
358       * has a safe way of enqueueing the object, one that cannot be
359       * overridden by the application program.
360       *
361       * ************************ TODO *********************************
362       * Change this so that we don't call reference.enqueue directly
363       * as this can be overridden by the user.
364       * ***************************************************************
365       *
366       * @see java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue
367       * @param addr the address of the Reference object
368       * @return <code>true</code> if the reference was enqueued
369       */
370      @Unpreemptible
371      public boolean enqueueReference(ObjectReference addr) {
372        Reference<?> reference = (Reference<?>)addr.toObject();
373        return reference.enqueueInternal();
374      }
376      /**
377       * Add a reference to the list of soft references.
378       * @param ref the SoftReference to add
379       */
380      @Interruptible
381      public static void addSoftCandidate(SoftReference<?> ref, ObjectReference referent) {
382        softReferenceProcessor.addCandidate(ref, referent);
383      }
385      /**
386       * Add a reference to the list of weak references.
387       * @param ref the WeakReference to add
388       */
389      @Interruptible
390      public static void addWeakCandidate(WeakReference<?> ref, ObjectReference referent) {
391        weakReferenceProcessor.addCandidate(ref, referent);
392      }
394      /**
395       * Add a reference to the list of phantom references.
396       * @param ref the PhantomReference to add
397       */
398      @Interruptible
399      public static void addPhantomCandidate(PhantomReference<?> ref, ObjectReference referent) {
400        phantomReferenceProcessor.addCandidate(ref, referent);
401      }
403      /****************************************************************************
404       *
405       *               Semantics of reference types
406       *
407       */
409      /**
410       * Process a reference with the current semantics.
411       * @param reference the address of the reference. This may or may not
412       * be the address of a heap object, depending on the VM.
413       * @param trace the thread local trace element.
414       */
415      @UninterruptibleNoWarn("Call out to ReferenceQueue API")
416      public ObjectReference processReference(TraceLocal trace, ObjectReference reference) {
417        if (VM.VerifyAssertions) VM._assert(!reference.isNull());
419        if (TRACE_DETAIL) {
420          VM.sysWrite("Processing reference: ",reference);
421        }
422        /*
423         * If the reference is dead, we're done with it. Let it (and
424         * possibly its referent) be garbage-collected.
425         */
426        if (!trace.isLive(reference)) {
427          clearReferent(reference);                   // Too much paranoia ...
428          if (TRACE_UNREACHABLE) { VM.sysWriteln(" UNREACHABLE reference:  ",reference); }
429          if (TRACE_DETAIL) {
430            VM.sysWriteln(" (unreachable)");
431          }
432          return ObjectReference.nullReference();
433        }
435        /* The reference object is live */
436        ObjectReference newReference = trace.getForwardedReference(reference);
437        ObjectReference oldReferent = getReferent(reference);
439        if (TRACE_DETAIL) {
440          VM.sysWrite(" ~> ",oldReferent);
441        }
443        /*
444         * If the application has cleared the referent the Java spec says
445         * this does not cause the Reference object to be enqueued. We
446         * simply allow the Reference object to fall out of our
447         * waiting list.
448         */
449        if (oldReferent.isNull()) {
450          if (TRACE_DETAIL) VM.sysWriteln(" (null referent)");
451          return ObjectReference.nullReference();
452        }
454        if (TRACE_DETAIL)  VM.sysWrite(" => ",newReference);
456        if (semantics == Semantics.SOFT) {
457          /*
458           * Unless we've completely run out of memory, we keep
459           * softly reachable objects alive.
460           */
461          if (!Plan.isEmergencyCollection()) {
462            if (TRACE_DETAIL) VM.sysWrite(" (soft) ");
463            trace.retainReferent(oldReferent);
464          }
465        } else if (semantics == Semantics.PHANTOM) {
466          /*
467           * The spec says we should forward the reference.  Without unsafe uses of
468           * reflection, the application can't tell the difference whether we do or not,
469           * so we don't forward the reference.
470           */
471    //    trace.retainReferent(oldReferent);
472        }
474        if (trace.isLive(oldReferent)) {
475          if (VM.VerifyAssertions) {
476            if (!DebugUtil.validRef(oldReferent)) {
477              VM.sysWriteln("Error in old referent.");
478              DebugUtil.dumpRef(oldReferent);
479              VM.sysFail("Invalid reference");
480            }
481          }
482          /*
483           * Referent is still reachable in a way that is as strong as
484           * or stronger than the current reference level.
485           */
486          ObjectReference newReferent = trace.getForwardedReferent(oldReferent);
488          if (TRACE_DETAIL) VM.sysWriteln(" ~> ",newReferent);
490          if (VM.VerifyAssertions) {
491            if (!DebugUtil.validRef(newReferent)) {
492              VM.sysWriteln("Error forwarding reference object.");
493              DebugUtil.dumpRef(oldReferent);
494              VM.sysFail("Invalid reference");
495            }
496            VM._assert(trace.isLive(newReferent));
497          }
499          /*
500           * The reference object stays on the waiting list, and the
501           * referent is untouched. The only thing we must do is
502           * ensure that the former addresses are updated with the
503           * new forwarding addresses in case the collector is a
504           * copying collector.
505           */
507          /* Update the referent */
508          setReferent(newReference, newReferent);
509          return newReference;
510        } else {
511          /* Referent is unreachable. Clear the referent and enqueue the reference object. */
513          if (TRACE_DETAIL) VM.sysWriteln(" UNREACHABLE");
514          else if (TRACE_UNREACHABLE) VM.sysWriteln(" UNREACHABLE referent:  ",oldReferent);
516          clearReferent(newReference);
517          enqueueReference(newReference);
518          return ObjectReference.nullReference();
519        }
520      }
522      /**
523       * Weak and soft references always clear the referent
524       * before enqueueing. We don't actually call
525       * Reference.clear() as the user could have overridden the
526       * implementation and we don't want any side-effects to
527       * occur.
528       */
529      protected void clearReferent(ObjectReference newReference) {
530        setReferent(newReference, ObjectReference.nullReference());
531      }
533      /***********************************************************************
534       *
535       * Reference object field accessors
536       */
538      /**
539       * Get the referent from a reference.  For Java the reference
540       * is a Reference object.
541       * @param object the object reference.
542       * @return the referent object reference.
543       */
544      protected ObjectReference getReferent(ObjectReference object) {
545        if (VM.VerifyAssertions) VM._assert(!object.isNull());
546        return object.toAddress().loadObjectReference(Entrypoints.referenceReferentField.getOffset());
547      }
549      /**
550       * Set the referent in a reference.  For Java the reference is
551       * a Reference object.
552       * @param ref the ObjectReference for the reference (confusing eh?).
553       * @param referent the referent object reference.
554       */
555      protected void setReferent(ObjectReference ref, ObjectReference referent) {
556        ref.toAddress().store(referent, Entrypoints.referenceReferentField.getOffset());
557      }
559      /***********************************************************************
560       *
561       * Statistics and debugging
562       */
564      @Override
565      public int countWaitingReferences() {
566        return maxIndex;
567      }
568    }