001    /*
002     *  This file is part of the Jikes RVM project (http://jikesrvm.org).
003     *
004     *  This file is licensed to You under the Eclipse Public License (EPL);
005     *  You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You
006     *  may obtain a copy of the License at
007     *
008     *      http://www.opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php
009     *
010     *  See the COPYRIGHT.txt file distributed with this work for information
011     *  regarding copyright ownership.
012     */
013    package org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.liveness;
015    import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Operators.PHI;
016    import static org.jikesrvm.osr.OSRConstants.LongTypeCode;
017    import static org.jikesrvm.osr.OSRConstants.VoidTypeCode;
019    import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
020    import java.util.ArrayList;
021    import java.util.Enumeration;
022    import java.util.HashSet;
023    import java.util.Iterator;
024    import java.util.LinkedList;
025    import java.util.List;
026    import java.util.Stack;
028    import org.jikesrvm.VM;
029    import org.jikesrvm.classloader.TypeReference;
030    import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.DefUse;
031    import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.driver.CompilerPhase;
032    import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.BasicBlock;
033    import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.ExceptionHandlerBasicBlock;
034    import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.GCIRMap;
035    import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.IR;
036    import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Instruction;
037    import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.OsrPoint;
038    import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Phi;
039    import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.RegSpillListElement;
040    import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Register;
041    import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.operand.BasicBlockOperand;
042    import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.operand.InlinedOsrTypeInfoOperand;
043    import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.operand.Operand;
044    import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.operand.RegisterOperand;
045    import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.regalloc.LiveIntervalElement;
046    import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.util.SortedGraphIterator;
047    import org.jikesrvm.osr.OSRConstants;
048    import org.jikesrvm.osr.LocalRegPair;
049    import org.jikesrvm.osr.MethodVariables;
050    import org.jikesrvm.osr.VariableMap;
051    import org.jikesrvm.util.EmptyIterator;
053    /**
054     * This class performs a flow-sensitive iterative live variable analysis.
055     * The result of this analysis is live ranges for each basic block.
056     * (@see BasicBlock)<p>
057     *
058     * This class can also optionally construct GC maps. These GC maps
059     * are later used to create the final gc map (see OptReferenceMap.java).<p>
060     *
061     * Previously we used to be concerned that we didn't lose any
062     * precision due to imprecise modeling of exceptions.
063     * However, the troublesome situation cannot occur in Java. The rest of the
064     * comment for this class explains why that situation cannot occur.<p>
065     *
066     * The Java SPEC forces the compiler to declare a variable as uninitialized
067     * in those case that would be problematic. Consider the following
068     * ***ILLEGAL*** example:
069     *
070     * <pre>
071     * static void main(String arg[]) {
072     *   Object x;
073     *
074     *   try {
075     *     foo();
076     *     x = null;
077     *     bar();
078     *   }
079     *   catch (FooException e) {
080     *   }
081     *
082     *   catch (BarException e) {
083     *     Object a = x;
084     *   }
085     * }
086     * </pre>
087     *
088     * <p>
089     * Here x is live in the Bar catch block, but not above the assignment
090     * in the try block.  We only kill off values coming from
091     * catch blocks if they are in the first PEI region (above the call
092     * to foo).  Thus, our analysis will conservatively record that x
093     * is live above the assignment.<p>
094     *
095     * However, the Java SPEC requires compilers to state that x is uninitialized
096     * here, even though it isn't.  Thus, this scenario cannot occur.
097     * Basically, every variable used in a catch block needs to be defined
098     * before the TRY statement.  (The SPEC doesn't explicitly state this, but
099     * on page 398 (Sec 16.2.13) it says that every variable used in a *finally*
100     * block needs to be defined before the TRY statement, which is even more
101     * restrictive.<p>
102     *
103     * Bottomline: losing precision is not a concern!
104     */
105    public final class LiveAnalysis extends CompilerPhase {
106      // Real Instance Variables
107      /**
108       *  Should we also create GC maps while we are computing liveness
109       */
110      private final boolean createGCMaps;
112      /**
113       *  Should we store liveness information at the top of each handler block?
114       */
115      private final boolean storeLiveAtHandlers;
117      /**
118       *  Should we skip guard registers?
119       */
120      private final boolean skipGuards;
122      /**
123       *  Should we skip the (final) local propagation phase?
124       */
125      private final boolean skipLocal;
127      /**
128       *  The current LiveSet that we will carry around
129       */
130      private LiveSet currentSet;
132      /**
133       *  Temporary live information associated with each basic block
134       */
135      private BBLiveElement[] bbLiveInfo;
137      /**
138       * The GC map associated with the IR, optionally filled by this class
139       */
140      private final GCIRMap map;
142      private final VariableMap osrMap;
144      /**
145       * For each register, the set of live interval elements describing the
146       * register.
147       */
148      private ArrayList<LiveIntervalElement>[] registerMap;
150      /** Debugging info */
151      private static final boolean DEBUG = false;
153      /** Even more debugging info */
154      private static final boolean VERBOSE = false;
156      @Override
157      public String getName() {
158        return "Live Analysis";
159      }
161      /**
162       * The constructor is used to specify whether GC maps should be computed
163       * along with live analysis.
164       *
165       * @param createGCMaps should we create GC maps?
166       * @param skipLocal should we skip the (final) local propagation phase?
167       */
168      public LiveAnalysis(boolean createGCMaps, boolean skipLocal) {
169        this(createGCMaps, skipLocal, false, true);
170      }
172      /**
173       * The constructor is used to specify whether GC maps should be computed
174       * along with live analysis.
175       *
176       * @param createGCMaps should we create GC maps?
177       * @param skipLocal should we skip the (final) local propagation phase?
178       * @param storeLiveAtHandlers should we store liveness info at the
179       * top of each handler block?
180       */
181      public LiveAnalysis(boolean createGCMaps, boolean skipLocal, boolean storeLiveAtHandlers) {
182        this(createGCMaps, skipLocal, storeLiveAtHandlers, true);
183      }
185      /**
186       * The constructor is used to specify whether GC maps should be computed
187       * along with live analysis.
188       *
189       * @param createGCMaps should we create GC maps?
190       * @param skipLocal should we skip the (final) local propagation phase?
191       * @param storeLiveAtHandlers should we store liveness info at the
192       * top of each handler block?
193       * @param skipGuards should we ignore validation registers?
194       */
195      public LiveAnalysis(boolean createGCMaps, boolean skipLocal, boolean storeLiveAtHandlers, boolean skipGuards) {
196        super(new Object[]{createGCMaps, skipLocal, storeLiveAtHandlers, skipGuards});
197        this.createGCMaps = createGCMaps;
198        this.skipLocal = skipLocal;
199        this.storeLiveAtHandlers = storeLiveAtHandlers;
200        this.skipGuards = skipGuards;
201        if (createGCMaps) {
202          // Create the IR-based Map we will use during compilation
203          // At a later phase this map is converted into the "runtime"
204          //  map, which is called OptReferenceMap.
205          map = new GCIRMap();
206          osrMap = new VariableMap();
207        } else {
208          map = null;
209          osrMap = null;
210        }
211      }
213      /**
214       *  By default we don't create GC maps and do perform the local prop phase
215       */
216      public LiveAnalysis() {
217        this(false, false, false, true);
218      }
220      /**
221       * Constructor for this compiler phase
222       */
223      private static final Constructor<CompilerPhase> constructor =
224          getCompilerPhaseConstructor(LiveAnalysis.class,
225                                      new Class[]{Boolean.TYPE, Boolean.TYPE, Boolean.TYPE, Boolean.TYPE});
227      /**
228       * Get a constructor object for this compiler phase
229       * @return compiler phase constructor
230       */
231      @Override
232      public Constructor<CompilerPhase> getClassConstructor() {
233        return constructor;
234      }
236      /**
237       * The entry point into this class
238       * Perform live variable analysis on this IR, constructing live
239       * range info and (optionally) GC map info as we go.
240       *
241       * @param ir the ir
242       */
243      @Override
244      public void perform(IR ir) {
246        // Debugging information
247        // Live Intervals, GC Maps, and fixed-point results
248        final boolean dumpFinalLiveIntervals = DEBUG ||
249          ir.options.PRINT_GC_MAPS &&
250             (!ir.options.hasMETHOD_TO_PRINT() ||
251              (ir.options.hasMETHOD_TO_PRINT() && ir.options.fuzzyMatchMETHOD_TO_PRINT(ir.method.toString()))
252             );
253        final boolean dumpFinalMaps = dumpFinalLiveIntervals;
254        final boolean dumpFixedPointResults = dumpFinalLiveIntervals;
256        // make sure IR info is up-to-date
257        DefUse.recomputeSpansBasicBlock(ir);
258        debugBegining(ir, createGCMaps, dumpFinalLiveIntervals, dumpFinalMaps, dumpFixedPointResults);
259        bbLiveInfo = new BBLiveElement[ir.cfg.numberOfNodes()];
261        for (int i = 0; i < ir.cfg.numberOfNodes(); i++) {
262          bbLiveInfo[i] = new BBLiveElement();
263        }
265        // allocate the "currentSet" which is used to cache the current results
266        currentSet = new LiveSet();
267        boolean reuseCurrentSet = false;
269        // make sure reverse top sort order is built
270        // currentBlock is the first node in the list
271        BasicBlock currentBlock = (BasicBlock) ir.cfg.buildRevTopSort();
273        // 2nd param: true means forward analysis; false means backward analysis
274        SortedGraphIterator bbIter = new SortedGraphIterator(currentBlock, false);
275        while (currentBlock != null) {
276          boolean changed = processBlock(currentBlock, reuseCurrentSet, ir);
278          // mark this block as processed and get the next one
279          BasicBlock nextBlock = (BasicBlock) bbIter.markAndGetNextTopSort(changed);
281          // check to see if nextBlock has only one successor, currentBlock.
282          // If so, we can reuse the current set and avoid performing a meet.
283          reuseCurrentSet = nextBlock != null && bbIter.isSinglePredecessor(currentBlock, nextBlock);
284          currentBlock = nextBlock;
285        }
286        debugPostGlobal(ir, dumpFinalLiveIntervals, dumpFinalMaps, dumpFixedPointResults);
288        // Now compute live ranges, using results from the fixed point computation
289        // Also, optionally create GC maps
290        // SSA doesn't need this part so we allow it to be optional.
291        // However, if we don't perform it than the final maps and intervals aren't
292        // created, so we can't print them.
293        if (!skipLocal) {
294          performLocalPropagation(ir, createGCMaps);
296          if (createGCMaps && dumpFinalMaps) {
297            System.out.println("**** START OF IR for method: " +
298                               ir.method.getName() +
299                               " in class: " +
300                               ir.method.getDeclaringClass());
301            ir.printInstructions();
302            System.out.println("**** END   OF IR INSTRUCTION DUMP ****");
304            printFinalMaps(ir);
305          }
306          if (dumpFinalLiveIntervals) {
307            printFinalLiveIntervals(ir);
308          }
309          // If we performed the local propagation, live interval information
310          // lives off of each basic block.
311          // Thus, we no longer need bbLiveInfo (the fixed points results)
312          // When we don't perform the local propagation, such as translating
313          // out of SSA, then we need to keep bbLiveInfo around
314          bbLiveInfo = null;
316          // compute the mapping from registers to live interval elements
317          computeRegisterMap(ir);
318        }
320        // No longer need currentSet, which is simply a cache of a LiveSet).
321        currentSet = null;
323        // This will be null if createGCMaps is false
324        if (createGCMaps) {
325          ir.MIRInfo.gcIRMap = map;
326          ir.MIRInfo.osrVarMap = osrMap;
327        }
329        // record whether or not we stored liveness information for handlers.
330        ir.setHandlerLivenessComputed(storeLiveAtHandlers);
331      }
333      /**
334       * Return an iterator over all the live interval elements for a given
335       * register.
336       */
337      public Iterator<LiveIntervalElement> iterateLiveIntervals(Register r) {
338        ArrayList<LiveIntervalElement> set = registerMap[r.getNumber()];
339        if (set == null) {
340          return EmptyIterator.<LiveIntervalElement>getInstance();
341        } else {
342          return set.iterator();
343        }
344      }
346      /**
347       * Update the data structures to reflect that all live intervals for r2
348       * are now intervals for r1.
349       */
350      public void merge(Register r1, Register r2) {
351        ArrayList<LiveIntervalElement> toRemove = new ArrayList<LiveIntervalElement>(5);
353        for (Iterator<LiveIntervalElement> i = iterateLiveIntervals(r2); i.hasNext();) {
354          LiveIntervalElement interval = i.next();
355          interval.setRegister(r1);
356          addToRegisterMap(r1, interval);
357          // defer removing the interval to avoid concurrent modification of
358          // the iterator's backing set.
359          toRemove.add(interval);
360        }
361        // perform deferred removals
362        for (LiveIntervalElement interval : toRemove) {
363          removeFromRegisterMap(r2, interval);
364        }
365      }
367      /**
368       * Set up a mapping from each register to the set of live intervals for
369       * the register.
370       * <p>
371       * Side effect: map each live interval element to its basic block.
372       */
373      @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
374      private void computeRegisterMap(IR ir) {
375        registerMap = new ArrayList[ir.regpool.getNumberOfSymbolicRegisters()];
376        for (Enumeration e = ir.getBasicBlocks(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
377          BasicBlock bb = (BasicBlock) e.nextElement();
378          for (Enumeration i = bb.enumerateLiveIntervals(); i.hasMoreElements();) {
379            LiveIntervalElement lie = (LiveIntervalElement) i.nextElement();
380            lie.setBasicBlock(bb);
381            if (lie.getRegister().isSymbolic()) {
382              addToRegisterMap(lie.getRegister(), lie);
383            }
384          }
385        }
386      }
388      /**
389       * Add the live interval element i to the map for register r.
390       */
391      private void addToRegisterMap(Register r, LiveIntervalElement i) {
392        ArrayList<LiveIntervalElement> set = registerMap[r.getNumber()];
393        if (set == null) {
394          set = new ArrayList<LiveIntervalElement>(3);
395          registerMap[r.getNumber()] = set;
396        }
397        set.add(i);
398      }
400      /**
401       * Remove the live interval element i from the map for register r.
402       */
403      private void removeFromRegisterMap(Register r, LiveIntervalElement i) {
404        ArrayList<LiveIntervalElement> set = registerMap[r.getNumber()];
405        if (set != null) {
406          set.remove(i);
407        }
408      }
410      /**
411       * Compute summary (local) live variable analysis for a basic block, which
412       * is basically Gen and Kill information.
413       *
414       * @param bblock the basic block
415       * @param ir the governing if
416       * @see "Efficient and Precise Modeling of Exceptions for the
417       *      Analysis of Java Programs" by Choi, Grove, Hind, Sarkar
418       *      in ACM PASTE99 workshop (available at
419       *      www.research.ibm.com/jalapeno)"
420       */
421      private void computeBlockGenAndKill(BasicBlock bblock, IR ir) {
422        if (VERBOSE) {
423          System.out.println(" --> Computing Gen/Kill for block " + bblock);
424        }
426        // Tells whether we've seen the first PEI
427        boolean seenFirstPEI = false;
429        // Because control flow may emanate from a potentially excepting
430        // instruction (PEI) out of the basic block, care must be taken
431        // when computing what can be killed by a basic block.
432        //
433        //  S1:  y =
434        //  S2:  <exception-raising inst>
435        //  S3:  x =
436        // For example in the block above, live variables coming from
437        // the normal exit of the block (i.e., after S3) can be killed
438        // by S1 or S3 (depending on the variable).  However, live variables
439        // coming from the PEI edge (at S2) can only be killed by S1.
440        // Thus, when a block contains PEIs, we need to distinguish the
441        // kill sets.  Namely, we need
442        //    Kill_tot  -  what can be killed anywhere in the block
443        //    Kill_n    -  what can be killed from PEI_n on up
444        //    Kill_n-1  -  what can be killed from PEI_n-1 on up
445        //      ...
446        //    Kill_1    -  what can be killed from PEI_1 on up
447        // We would then compute In as follows
448        //
449        //  In = Out_norm - Kill_tot   (all vars entering from bottom are eligible
450        //                                to be killed)
451        //     U Out_n - Kill_n
452        //     U Out_n-1 - Kill_n-1
453        //     ...
454        //     U Out_1 - Kill_1
455        //     U Gen
456        //  where Out_n is the out information at PEI i, i.e., the IN information
457        //  for whatever handlers may catch PEI i
458        //    ...
459        //    PEI 1
460        //    ...
461        //    PEI n-1
462        //    ...
463        //    PEI n
464        //    ...
465        //  If we conservatively assume all handlers for the block of interest
466        //  can be reached by all PEIs in this block then the equation becomes
467        //   In = (Out_norm - Kill_tot)
468        //     U (Out_hand - Kill_n)
469        //     U (Out_hand - Kill_n-1)
470        //     ...
471        //     U (Out_hand - Kill_1)
472        //     U Gen
473        // where "Out_hand" is the union of the in sets for all handlers.
474        // Since Kill_i is a subset of Kill_j, for i < j, we can simplify to
475        //   In = (Out_norm - Kill_tot)
476        //     U (Out_hand - Kill_1)    (1)
477        //     U Gen
478        // Since kill_1 is a subset of kill_tot, we don't need the
479        // the parenthesis (and the intermediate set)
480        // If there are no handlers than (1) is empty and we don't need
481        // to compute Kill_1.  We will take this approach for now.
482        // So for each block we will have at most 2 kill sets: Kill_tot and Kill_1
483        // This code finds the first PEI in the block
485        Instruction firstPEI = null;
486        if (bblock.canThrowExceptions()) {
487          for (Instruction inst = bblock.firstInstruction(); inst != bblock.lastInstruction(); inst =
488              inst.nextInstructionInCodeOrder()) {
489            if (inst.isPEI() && bblock.getApplicableExceptionalOut(inst).hasMoreElements()) {
490              firstPEI = inst;
491              // remember that this block has a PEI with a handler for use
492              //  later in "processBlock"
493              bbLiveInfo[bblock.getNumber()].setContainsPEIWithHandler(true);
494              break;
495            }
496          }
497        }
499        // Get any uses from PHIs, which are in the successor blocks
500        getUsesFromPhis(bblock);
502        // Traverse instructions in reverse order within the basic block.
503        for (Instruction inst = bblock.lastInstruction(); inst != bblock.firstInstruction(); inst =
504            inst.prevInstructionInCodeOrder()) {
506          // traverse from defs to uses becauses uses happen after
507          // (in a backward sense) defs
508          Enumeration<Operand> defs = inst.getPureDefs();
509          while (defs.hasMoreElements()) {
510            Operand def = defs.nextElement();
511            if (def instanceof RegisterOperand) {
512              RegisterOperand regOp = (RegisterOperand) def;
514              // Do we care about this reg?
515              if (isSkippableReg(regOp, ir)) {
516                continue;
517              }
518              TypeReference regType = regOp.getType();
520              // Because the summary we compute is used to propagate to other
521              // basic blocks, if a register is block local, we don't need to
522              // include it.  It will be picked up later by local propagation phase.
523              if (regOp.getRegister().spansBasicBlock() && regType != null) {
525                // if it is a DEF we place it is the BBKillSet and remove it from
526                // the GEN set, (GEN should only contain upward-exposed uses,
527                // i.e., uses that are NOT dominated by a DEF).
528                // We don't need to worry about PEIs here because
529                // later instructions (traversing backwards like we are)
530                // will always dominate earlier instructions *of this block*
531                bbLiveInfo[bblock.getNumber()].BBKillSet().add(regOp);
532                bbLiveInfo[bblock.getNumber()].getGen().remove(regOp);
534                // However, if an exception can emanate from this basic block
535                // we are not guaranteed that all instructions will be executed
536                // in this block.  We allow killing of instructions
537                // after the last (in a backwards sense) potential exception
538                // throwing statement. (PEI)
539                // If there are no PEIs in this block we don't bother to add
540                if (seenFirstPEI) {
541                  bbLiveInfo[bblock.getNumber()].firstPEIKillSet().add(regOp);
542                }
543              }
544            }
545          }
547          // Now process the uses, unless this is a PHI operator
548          if (inst.operator() != PHI) {
549            for (Enumeration<Operand> uses = inst.getUses(); uses.hasMoreElements();) {
550              Operand use = uses.nextElement();
551              if (use instanceof RegisterOperand) {
552                RegisterOperand regOp = (RegisterOperand) use;
554                // Do we care about this reg?
555                if (isSkippableReg(regOp, ir)) {
556                  continue;
557                }
559                TypeReference regType = regOp.getType();
561                // Because the summary we compute is used to propagate to
562                // other basic blocks, if a register is block local,
563                // we don't need to include it.  It will be picked up
564                // later by local propagation phase.
565                if (regOp.getRegister().spansBasicBlock() && regType != null) {
566                  bbLiveInfo[bblock.getNumber()].getGen().add(regOp);
567                }
568              }                     // is RegOp
569            }       // foreach use
570          }         // not a PHI
571          // check whether the instruction we just processed is the first
572          // (last, thinking backwards) exception-raising instruction.
573          // If so, set the flag so we can start killing.
574          if (firstPEI == inst) {
575            seenFirstPEI = true;
576          }
577        }           // foreach instruction in block
578        if (VERBOSE) {
579          System.out.println("  Gen: " + bbLiveInfo[bblock.getNumber()].getGen());
580          System.out.println("  Kill: " + bbLiveInfo[bblock.getNumber()].BBKillSet());
581          System.out.println("  1st PEI Kill: " + bbLiveInfo[bblock.getNumber()].firstPEIKillSet());
582          System.out.println(" ---> Done computing Gen/Kill for block");
583        }
584      }
586      /**
587       * The rvals of phi nodes are logically uses in the phi's predecessor
588       * blocks, so here we collect phi rvals from the current block's
589       * successors into the gen set for this block, being careful to
590       * collect only the appropriate rval
591       *
592       * @param bblock the basic block of interest
593       *
594       * pre: Assumes the liveInfo array is allocated for this block
595       * post: May add to liveInfo for this block
596       */
597      private void getUsesFromPhis(BasicBlock bblock) {
598        Enumeration<BasicBlock> successors = bblock.getOut();
599        while (successors.hasMoreElements()) {
600          BasicBlock sb = successors.nextElement();
601          if (sb.isExit()) {
602            continue;
603          }
605          for (Instruction phi = sb.firstInstruction(); phi != sb.lastInstruction(); phi =
606              phi.nextInstructionInCodeOrder()) {
607            if (phi.operator() == PHI) {
608              for (int j = 0; j < Phi.getNumberOfValues(phi); j++) {
609                BasicBlockOperand bbop = Phi.getPred(phi, j);
610                if (bbop.block == bblock) {
611                  Operand myRval = Phi.getValue(phi, j);
612                  if (myRval instanceof RegisterOperand) {
613                    RegisterOperand regOp = (RegisterOperand) myRval;
614                    TypeReference regType = regOp.getType();
615                    if (regOp.getRegister().spansBasicBlock() && regType != null) {
616                      bbLiveInfo[bblock.getNumber()].getGen().add(regOp);
617                    }
618                  }
619                }
620              }
621            }
622          }
623        }
624      }
626      /**
627       *  Compute the in set for this block given the out, gen, and kill set
628       *  @param block the block of interest
629       *  @param reuseCurrentSet whether we can reuse the "currentSet" or else
630       *                         clear it out and recompute the meet of our succs
631       *  @param ir the governing ir
632       */
633      private boolean processBlock(BasicBlock block, boolean reuseCurrentSet, IR ir) {
634        if (VERBOSE) {
635          System.out.println(" *** processing block " + block + " # out edges: " + block.getNumberOfOut());
636          block.printExtended();
637        }
639        // We compute Gen and Kill the first time we process the block.
640        // This computation must happen early iun this method because it also computes
641        // summary information about the block (eg getContainsPEIWithHandler).
642        if (bbLiveInfo[block.getNumber()].BBKillSet() == null) {
643          bbLiveInfo[block.getNumber()].createKillAndGen();
644          computeBlockGenAndKill(block, ir);
645        }
647        // A summary of the IN sets of all exception handlers for the block
648        LiveSet exceptionBlockSummary = new LiveSet();
650        boolean blockHasHandlers = bbLiveInfo[block.getNumber()].getContainsPEIWithHandler();
652        // The computation of the Kill set takes into consideration exception
653        // semantics, i.e., that live information may flow into the middle
654        // of a basic block due to implicit edges at exception points.
655        // We keep 2 kill sets.
656        //     BBKillSet() contains variables that are killed if the block
657        //              is exited in the normal fashion
658        //     firstPEIKillSet() contains variables that are definitely killed
659        //              before the first PEI is executed.
660        //       This set contains only variables that are definitely
661        //       killed in this block despite the implicit exception edges.
662        //
663        if (!reuseCurrentSet) {
664          currentSet.clear();
666          // visit each successor, if it is a regular successor, add
667          // it to "currentSet".  If it is a handler block, add it to
668          // ExceptionBlockSummary.
669          for (Enumeration<BasicBlock> bbEnum = block.getOut(); bbEnum.hasMoreElements();) {
670            BasicBlock succ = bbEnum.nextElement();
672            // sometimes we may have a CFG edge to a handler, but no longer a
673            //   PEI that can make the edge realizable.  Thus, we have two
674            //   conditions in the following test.
675            if (blockHasHandlers && succ.isExceptionHandlerBasicBlock()) {
676              exceptionBlockSummary.add(bbLiveInfo[succ.getNumber()].getIn());
677            } else {
678              currentSet.add(bbLiveInfo[succ.getNumber()].getIn());
679            }
680          }
681        }
682        if (VERBOSE) {
683          System.out.println("\t Before applying transfor function:");
684          System.out.println("\t currentSet: " + currentSet);
685          System.out.println("\t exceptionBlockSummary: " + exceptionBlockSummary);
686        }
688        // At this point, currentSet contains the union of our normal successors'
689        // IN sets.
690        // Compute:    In = currentSet - BBKillSet
691        //                  U (exceptionBlockSummary - firstPEIKillSet)   (1)
692        //                  U Gen
693        // Since firstPEIKillSet is a subset of BBKillSet, we don't need the
694        // the parenthesis (and the intermediate set)
695        //
696        // If there are no handlers than exceptionBlockSummary is empty and
697        // we don't need to perform line (1)
699        // currentSet = currentSet - BBKillSet
700        // first kill off variables that are killed anywhere in the block
701        currentSet.remove(bbLiveInfo[block.getNumber()].BBKillSet());
702        if (blockHasHandlers) {
704          // currentSet = currentSet U exceptionBlockSummary
705          // add in the IN sets for the handlers
706          currentSet.add(exceptionBlockSummary);
708          // currentSet = currentSet - firstPEIKillSet
709          // kill off variables that are definitely killed, i.e., killed before
710          // the first PEI
711          currentSet.remove(bbLiveInfo[block.getNumber()].firstPEIKillSet());
712        }
714        // currentSet = currentSet U gen
715        // add in the GEN set
716        currentSet.add(bbLiveInfo[block.getNumber()].getGen());
718        // since we have monotonicity, we can add currentSet to
719        // the previous In set.  If it results in an addition we have
720        // a change and return true, otherwise return false.
721        if (bbLiveInfo[block.getNumber()].getIn().add(currentSet)) {
722          if (VERBOSE) {
723            System.out.println(" *** processBlock returning true, currentSet: " + currentSet);
724          }
725          return true;
726        } else {
727          if (VERBOSE) {
728            System.out.println(" *** processBlock returning false, currentSet: " + currentSet);
729          }
730          return false;
731        }
732      }
734      /**
735       *  This method performs the last phase of the analysis, local propagation.
736       *  It uses the results from the fixed point analysis to determine the
737       *  local live information within a basic block.<p>
738       *
739       *  It walks the IR and, using the live information computed for each
740       *  basic block, i.e., the results of the iterative solution, makes a single
741       *  pass backward walk through the basic block, GENing and KILLing
742       *  local information.  This produces the set of live variables at each
743       *  instruction.<p>
744       *
745       *  This information is saved into two data structures:
746       *  <ul>
747       *    <li>at all GC points, live references are recorded
748       *    <li>at all instructions, live range information is recorded
749       *  </ul>
750       *
751       *  @param ir the IR
752       */
753      private void performLocalPropagation(IR ir, boolean createGCMaps) {
754        if (DEBUG) {
755          System.out.println(" .... starting local propagation\n");
756        }
757        Stack<MapElement> blockStack = null;
758        if (createGCMaps) {
759          // We want to add GC map entries in IR instruction order. However, we are
760          // visiting instructions in reverse order within a block. We solve this
761          // by pushing all additions to a local stack and pop (and add)
762          // the information to the GC map after the block has been processed.
763          blockStack = new Stack<MapElement>();
764        }
765        for (BasicBlock block = ir.firstBasicBlockInCodeOrder(); block != null; block =
766            block.nextBasicBlockInCodeOrder()) {
767          if (VERBOSE) {
768            System.out.print(" ....   processing block # " + block.getNumber() + " ...");
769          }
771          // This set will hold the live variables for the current
772          // instruction.  It is initialized from the "In" set of the block's
773          // successors and updated during the walk up the basic block.
774          LiveSet local = new LiveSet();
776          // The union of the IN sets of all exception blocks that can
777          // be reached (directly) from this block
778          LiveSet exceptionBlockSummary = new LiveSet();
780          // Create the out set by unioning the successors' in sets.
781          // During this processing we should NOT include exception-catching
782          // blocks, but instead remember them for use at exception-raising
783          // statements in this block
784          for (Enumeration<BasicBlock> bbEnum = block.getOut(); bbEnum.hasMoreElements();) {
785            BasicBlock succ = bbEnum.nextElement();
786            if (succ.isExceptionHandlerBasicBlock()) {
787              exceptionBlockSummary.add(bbLiveInfo[succ.getNumber()].getIn());
788            } else {
789              local.add(bbLiveInfo[succ.getNumber()].getIn());
790            }
791          }
792          if (VERBOSE) {
793            System.out.println(" Completed succ walk. exceptionBlockSummary: " +
794                               exceptionBlockSummary +
795                               "\n local: " +
796                               local);
797          }
799          // initialize live range for this block
800          block.initializeLiveRange();
802          // For each item in "local", create live interval info for this block.
803          LiveInterval.createEndLiveRange(local, block, null);
805          // Process the block, an instruction at a time.
806          for (Instruction inst = block.lastInstruction(); inst != block.firstInstruction(); inst =
807              inst.prevInstructionInCodeOrder()) {
808            if (VERBOSE) {
809              System.out.println("Processing: " + inst);
810            }
812            // If this instruction can raise an exception, then the catch
813            // block can be a direct successor to it
814            // To compensate this, we must first add in the live information
815            // for all such blocks, which we computed above and stored
816            // in "exceptionBlockSummary"
817            if (inst.isPEI()) {
818              local.add(exceptionBlockSummary);
820              // For each item in "exceptionBlockSummary", create live interval
821              // info for this block.
822              LiveInterval.createEndLiveRange(exceptionBlockSummary, block, inst);
823            }
825            // compute In set for this instruction & GC point info
826            // traverse from defs to uses, do "kill" then "gen" (backwards analysis)
827            // Def loop
828            for (Enumeration<Operand> defs = inst.getPureDefs(); defs.hasMoreElements();) {
829              Operand op = defs.nextElement();
830              if (op instanceof RegisterOperand) {
831                RegisterOperand regOp = (RegisterOperand) op;
832                // Currently, clients of live information do not need to know
833                // about validation reges.  (Reg Alloc cares about physical regs.)
834                if (isSkippableReg(regOp, ir)) {
835                  continue;
836                }
837                if (regOp.getType() != null) {
838                  // process the def as a kill
839                  local.remove(regOp);
840                  if (VERBOSE) {
841                    System.out.println("  Killing: " + regOp + "\n local: " + local);
842                  }
844                  // mark this instruction as the start of the live range for reg
845                  LiveInterval.setStartLiveRange(regOp.getRegister(), inst, block);
846                }
847              } // if operand is a Register
848            }   // defs
850            // GC Map Code:
851            //
852            // Now that we have processed all of the defs, if any, we check
853            // if the instruction is a potential GC point, insert it into
854            // the map.
855            // We do this after processing the defs (remember, this is a backward
856            // analysis) because the GC will occur (at least in the case of calls)
857            // after the uses have occurred (in the forward sense).  Thus, we
858            // don't yet factor in the uses for this instruction.
859            // For a statement like "x = y", we are capturing the program point
860            // "in the middle", i.e., during the execution, after the y has been
861            // fetched, but before the x has been defined.
863            // Above observation is not true for an OSR instruction. The current
864            // design of the OSR instruction requires the compiler build a GC map
865            // for variables used by the instruction.
866            // Otherwise, the compiler generates an empty gc map for the
867            // instruction. This results run away references if GC happens
868            // when a thread is being OSRed.
869            //
870            // TODO: better design of yieldpoint_osr instruction.
871            // -- Feng July 15, 2003
872            if (createGCMaps && !OsrPoint.conforms(inst) && inst.isGCPoint()) {
873              // make deep copy (and translate to regList) because we reuse
874              // local above.
875              // NOTE: this translation does some screening, see GCIRMap.java
876              List<RegSpillListElement> regList = map.createDU(local);
877              blockStack.push(new MapElement(inst, regList));
878              if (VERBOSE) { System.out.println("SAVING GC Map"); }
879            }       // is GC instruction, and map not already made
881            // now process the uses
882            for (Enumeration<Operand> uses = inst.getUses(); uses.hasMoreElements();) {
883              Operand op = uses.nextElement();
884              if (op instanceof RegisterOperand) {
885                RegisterOperand regOp = (RegisterOperand) op;
886                // Do we care about this reg?
887                if (isSkippableReg(regOp, ir)) {
888                  continue;
889                }
890                TypeReference regType = regOp.getType();
891                // see Def loop comment about magics
892                if (regType != null) {
893                  // process the use as a gen
894                  local.add(regOp);
895                  if (VERBOSE) {
896                    System.out.println("  Gen-ing: " + regOp);
897                    System.out.println("local: " + local);
898                  }
899                  // mark this instruction as the end of the live range for reg
900                  LiveInterval.createEndLiveRange(regOp.getRegister(), block, inst);
901                }
902              }     // if operand is a Register
903            }     // uses
905            if (createGCMaps && OsrPoint.conforms(inst)) {
906              // delayed gc map generation for Osr instruction,
907              // see comments before processing uses -- Feng, July 15, 2003
908              List<RegSpillListElement> regList = map.createDU(local);
909              blockStack.push(new MapElement(inst, regList));
911              // collect osr info using live set
912              collectOsrInfo(inst, local);
913            }
914          }     // end instruction loop
916          // The register allocator prefers that any registers that are live
917          // on entry be listed first.  This call makes it so.
918          LiveInterval.moveUpwardExposedRegsToFront(block);
919          if (createGCMaps) {
920            // empty the stack, insert the information into the map
921            while (!blockStack.isEmpty()) {
922              MapElement elem = blockStack.pop();
923              map.insert(elem.getInst(), elem.getList());
924            }
925          }
927          if (storeLiveAtHandlers && block.isExceptionHandlerBasicBlock()) {
928            ExceptionHandlerBasicBlock handlerBlock = (ExceptionHandlerBasicBlock) block;
930            // use local because we need to get a fresh one anyway.
931            handlerBlock.setLiveSet(local);
932            local = null;
933          } else {
935            // clear the local set for the next block
936            local.clear();
937          }
938        }           // end basic block for loop
939        if (DEBUG) {
940          System.out.println(" .... completed local propagation\n");
941        }
942      }
944      /**
945       * Should this register be included in the liveness solution?
946       *
947       * @param regOp the register operand to consider skipping
948       * @param ir the governing ir
949       * @return whether the register should be skipped, i.e., not be
950       *          present in the liveness solution
951       */
952      private boolean isSkippableReg(RegisterOperand regOp, IR ir) {
953        // The old test would exclude all physical registers.  However,
954        // register allocation needs to know about physical registers, except
955        // for the ones listed below.  Such regs are inserted in the IR
956        // during call expansion.
957        return regOp.getRegister().isExcludedLiveA() || (regOp.getRegister().isValidation() && skipGuards);
958      }
960      /**
961       * Just a helper method to encapsulate the optional debugging info
962       * that is performed at the beginning of the perform method
963       * @param ir  the IR
964       * @param createGCMaps are we creating GC maps?
965       * @param dumpFixedPointResults debug info
966       * @param dumpFinalMaps debug info
967       * @param dumpFinalLiveIntervals debug info
968       */
969      private void debugBegining(IR ir, boolean createGCMaps, boolean dumpFixedPointResults, boolean dumpFinalMaps, boolean dumpFinalLiveIntervals) {
970        if (dumpFixedPointResults || dumpFinalMaps || dumpFinalLiveIntervals) {
971          System.out.print("\n ====>  Performing liveness analysis ");
972          if (createGCMaps) {
973            System.out.print("and GC Maps ");
974          }
975          System.out.println("for method: " + ir.method.getName() + " in class: " + ir.method.getDeclaringClass() + "\n");
976          System.out.println("  method has " + ir.cfg.numberOfNodes() + " basic blocks");
977        }
978        if (dumpFinalMaps) {
979          System.out.println("**** START OF IR for method: " +
980                             ir.method.getName() +
981                             " in class: " +
982                             ir.method.getDeclaringClass());
983          ir.printInstructions();
984          System.out.println("**** END   OF IR INSTRUCTION DUMP ****");
985        }
986      }
988      /**
989       * Just a helper method to encapsulate the optional debugging info
990       * that is performed after the global propagation step of "perform"
991       *
992       * @param ir the IR
993       * @param dumpFixedPointResults debug info
994       * @param dumpFinalMaps debug info
995       * @param dumpFinalLiveIntervals debug info
996       */
997      private void debugPostGlobal(IR ir, boolean dumpFixedPointResults, boolean dumpFinalMaps, boolean dumpFinalLiveIntervals) {
998        if (DEBUG) {
999          System.out.println(" .... Completed global live computation ....");
1000          if (VERBOSE) {
1001            // Print the basic blocks
1002            System.out.println(" .... CFG:");
1003            System.out.println(ir.cfg);
1004          }
1005        }
1006        if (dumpFixedPointResults) {
1007          printFixedPointResults(ir);
1008        }
1009      }
1011      /**
1012       *  Prints the results of the fixed point computation.
1013       *  (Use printFinalMaps for the final GC map)
1014       *  @param ir the IR
1015       */
1016      private void printFixedPointResults(IR ir) {
1017        System.out.println("\n  ***** Fixed point results for IR-based GC Maps for " +
1018                           ir.method.getDeclaringClass() +
1019                           "." +
1020                           ir.method.getName());
1021        int length = bbLiveInfo.length;
1022        for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
1023          System.out.println("Live Info for Block #" + i);
1024          System.out.println(bbLiveInfo[i]);
1025        }
1026      }
1028      /**
1029       * Prints the final maps
1030       * @param ir
1031       */
1032      private void printFinalMaps(IR ir) {
1033        System.out.println("\n  =-=-=-=-=- Final IR-based GC Maps for " +
1034                           ir.method.getDeclaringClass() +
1035                           "." +
1036                           ir.method.getName());
1037        map.dump();
1038        System.out.println("  =-=-=-=-=- End Final IR-based GC Maps\n");
1039      }
1041      /**
1042       * Prints the Final Live Intervals
1043       * @param ir the IR
1044       */
1045      private void printFinalLiveIntervals(IR ir) {
1046        ir.printInstructions();
1047        System.out.println("\n  *+*+*+*+*+ Final Live Intervals for " +
1048                           ir.method.getDeclaringClass() +
1049                           "." +
1050                           ir.method.getName());
1051        for (BasicBlock block = ir.firstBasicBlockInCodeOrder(); block != null; block =
1052            block.nextBasicBlockInCodeOrder()) {
1053          LiveInterval.printLiveIntervalList(block);
1054        }
1055        System.out.println("  *+*+*+*+*+ End Final Live Intervals\n");
1056      }
1058      /**
1059       * REturns the live information for a particular block
1060       * @param bb the basic block of interest
1061       * @return the live information for the block
1062       */
1063      public BBLiveElement getLiveInfo(BasicBlock bb) {
1064        return bbLiveInfo[bb.getNumber()];
1065      }
1067      /**
1068       * Return the set of registers that are live on the control-flow edge
1069       * basic block bb1 to basic block bb2
1070       */
1071      public HashSet<Register> getLiveRegistersOnEdge(BasicBlock bb1, BasicBlock bb2) {
1072        HashSet<Register> s1 = getLiveRegistersOnExit(bb1);
1073        HashSet<Register> s2 = getLiveRegistersOnEntry(bb2);
1074        s1.retainAll(s2);
1075        return s1;
1076      }
1078      /**
1079       * Return the set of registers that are live across a basic block, and who
1080       * are live after the basic block exit.
1081       */
1082      HashSet<Register> getLiveRegistersOnExit(BasicBlock bb) {
1083        HashSet<Register> result = new HashSet<Register>(10);
1084        for (Enumeration<LiveIntervalElement> e = bb.enumerateLiveIntervals(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
1085          LiveIntervalElement lie = e.nextElement();
1086          Instruction end = lie.getEnd();
1087          if (end == null) result.add(lie.getRegister());
1088        }
1089        return result;
1090      }
1092      /**
1093       * Return the set of registers that are live across a basic block, and who
1094       * are live before the basic block entry.
1095       */
1096      HashSet<Register> getLiveRegistersOnEntry(BasicBlock bb) {
1097        HashSet<Register> result = new HashSet<Register>(10);
1098        for (Enumeration<LiveIntervalElement> e = bb.enumerateLiveIntervals(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
1099          LiveIntervalElement lie = e.nextElement();
1100          Instruction begin = lie.getBegin();
1101          if (begin == null) result.add(lie.getRegister());
1102        }
1103        return result;
1104      }
1106      // A simple class used to store live info
1107      public static final class BBLiveElement {
1108        private LiveSet gen;
1109        private LiveSet BBKillSet;
1110        private LiveSet firstPEIKillSet;
1111        private final LiveSet in;
1112        private boolean containsPEIWithHandler = false;
1114        /**
1115         *  The constructor
1116         */
1117        BBLiveElement() {
1118          in = new LiveSet();
1119        }
1121        /**
1122         * Returns the kill set
1123         * @return the Kill set for this block
1124         */
1125        public LiveSet BBKillSet() {
1126          return BBKillSet;
1127        }
1129        /**
1130         * Returns the first PEI kill set, i.e., the Kill set up to the first PEI
1131         * @return the Kill set up to the first PEI
1132         */
1133        public LiveSet firstPEIKillSet() {
1134          return firstPEIKillSet;
1135        }
1137        /**
1138         * Returns the Gen set
1139         * @return the Gen set for this block
1140         */
1141        public LiveSet getGen() {
1142          return gen;
1143        }
1145        /**
1146         * Returns the In set
1147         * @return the In set for this block
1148         */
1149        public LiveSet getIn() {
1150          return in;
1151        }
1153        /**
1154         * Returns whether this block has a PEI with a handler in this method
1155         * @return whether this block has a PEI with a handler in this method
1156         */
1157        public boolean getContainsPEIWithHandler() {
1158          return containsPEIWithHandler;
1159        }
1161        /**
1162         * @param value whether this block has a PEI with a handler in this method
1163         */
1164        public void setContainsPEIWithHandler(boolean value) {
1165          containsPEIWithHandler = value;
1166        }
1168        /**
1169         * creates (allocates) the Gen and Kill Sets
1170         */
1171        public void createKillAndGen() {
1172          BBKillSet = new LiveSet();
1173          firstPEIKillSet = new LiveSet();
1174          gen = new LiveSet();
1175        }
1177        /**
1178         * creates a string representation of this object
1179         * @return string representation of this object
1180         */
1181        @Override
1182        public String toString() {
1183          StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder("");
1184          buf.append(" Gen: ").append(gen).append("\n");
1185          buf.append(" BB Kill: ").append(BBKillSet).append("\n");
1186          buf.append(" first PEI Kill: ").append(firstPEIKillSet).append("\n");
1187          buf.append(" In: ").append(in).append("\n");
1188          return buf.toString();
1189        }
1191      }
1193      /**
1194       * A simple class used just in this file when creating GC maps
1195       */
1196      static final class MapElement {
1198        private final Instruction inst;
1199        private final List<RegSpillListElement> list;
1201        /**
1202         * constructor
1203         * @param inst
1204         * @param list
1205         */
1206        public MapElement(Instruction inst, List<RegSpillListElement> list) {
1207          this.inst = inst;
1208          this.list = list;
1209        }
1211        /**
1212         * returns the instruction
1213         * @return the instruction
1214         */
1215        public Instruction getInst() {
1216          return inst;
1217        }
1219        /**
1220         * returns the list
1221         * @return the list
1222         */
1223        public List<RegSpillListElement> getList() {
1224          return list;
1225        }
1226      }
1228      /* collect osr info according to live information */
1229      private void collectOsrInfo(Instruction inst, LiveSet lives) {
1230        // create an entry to the OSRIRMap, order: callee => caller
1231        LinkedList<MethodVariables> mvarList = new LinkedList<MethodVariables>();
1233        // get the type info for locals and stacks
1234        InlinedOsrTypeInfoOperand typeInfo = OsrPoint.getInlinedTypeInfo(inst);
1236        /* iterator over type info and create LocalRegTuple
1237        * for each variable.
1238        * NOTE: we do not process LONG type register operand here,
1239        * which was splitted in BURS.
1240        */
1241        byte[][] ltypes = typeInfo.localTypeCodes;
1242        byte[][] stypes = typeInfo.stackTypeCodes;
1244        int nummeth = typeInfo.methodids.length;
1246        int elm_idx = 0;
1247        int snd_long_idx = typeInfo.validOps;
1248        for (int midx = 0; midx < nummeth; midx++) {
1250          LinkedList<LocalRegPair> tupleList = new LinkedList<LocalRegPair>();
1252          byte[] ls = ltypes[midx];
1253          byte[] ss = stypes[midx];
1255          /* record maps for local variables, skip dead ones */
1256          for (int i = 0, n = ls.length; i < n; i++) {
1257            if (ls[i] != VoidTypeCode) {
1258              // check liveness
1259              Operand op = OsrPoint.getElement(inst, elm_idx++);
1260              LocalRegPair tuple = new LocalRegPair(OSRConstants.LOCAL, i, ls[i], op);
1261              // put it in the list
1262              tupleList.add(tuple);
1264              // get another half of a long type operand
1265              if (VM.BuildFor32Addr && (ls[i] == LongTypeCode)) {
1266                Operand other_op = OsrPoint.getElement(inst, snd_long_idx++);
1267                tuple._otherHalf = new LocalRegPair(OSRConstants.LOCAL, i, ls[i], other_op);
1269              }
1270            }
1271          }
1273          /* record maps for stack slots */
1274          for (int i = 0, n = ss.length; i < n; i++) {
1275            if (ss[i] != VoidTypeCode) {
1276              LocalRegPair tuple =
1277                  new LocalRegPair(OSRConstants.STACK, i, ss[i], OsrPoint.getElement(inst, elm_idx++));
1279              tupleList.add(tuple);
1281              if (VM.BuildFor32Addr && (ss[i] == LongTypeCode)) {
1282                tuple._otherHalf =
1283                    new LocalRegPair(OSRConstants.STACK, i, ss[i], OsrPoint.getElement(inst, snd_long_idx++));
1284              }
1285            }
1286          }
1288          // create MethodVariables
1289          MethodVariables mvar = new MethodVariables(typeInfo.methodids[midx], typeInfo.bcindexes[midx], tupleList);
1290          mvarList.add(mvar);
1291        }
1293        // put the method variables for this OSR in the osrMap, encoding later.
1294        osrMap.insertFirst(inst, mvarList);
1295      }
1296    }