001    /*
002     *  This file is part of the Jikes RVM project (http://jikesrvm.org).
003     *
004     *  This file is licensed to You under the Eclipse Public License (EPL);
005     *  You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You
006     *  may obtain a copy of the License at
007     *
008     *      http://www.opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php
009     *
010     *  See the COPYRIGHT.txt file distributed with this work for information
011     *  regarding copyright ownership.
012     */
013    package org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt;
015    import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.driver.OptConstants.YES;
016    import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Operators.ARRAYLENGTH_opcode;
017    import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Operators.BOUNDS_CHECK_opcode;
018    import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Operators.GET_CAUGHT_EXCEPTION;
019    import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Operators.GUARD_MOVE;
020    import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Operators.INT_MOVE;
021    import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Operators.NEWARRAY;
022    import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Operators.NEWARRAY_UNRESOLVED;
023    import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Operators.NOP;
024    import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Operators.PHI;
025    import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Operators.SET_CAUGHT_EXCEPTION;
026    import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Operators.UNINT_BEGIN;
027    import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Operators.UNINT_END;
029    import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
030    import java.util.ArrayList;
031    import java.util.Enumeration;
033    import org.jikesrvm.VM;
034    import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.controlflow.BranchOptimizations;
035    import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.controlflow.BranchSimplifier;
036    import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.driver.CompilerPhase;
037    import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.BasicBlock;
038    import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Binary;
039    import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.BoundsCheck;
040    import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.GuardedUnary;
041    import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.IR;
042    import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Instruction;
043    import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Move;
044    import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.NewArray;
045    import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Operator;
046    import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Phi;
047    import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Register;
048    import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.operand.IntConstantOperand;
049    import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.operand.Operand;
050    import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.operand.RegisterOperand;
051    import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.operand.TrueGuardOperand;
053    /**
054     * Simple flow-insensitive optimizations.
055     *
056     * <p> Except for the "CompilerPhase" methods, all fields and methods in
057     * this class are declared static.
058     */
059    public final class Simple extends CompilerPhase {
061      private final BranchOptimizations branchOpts = new BranchOptimizations(-1, false, false, false);
063      /**
064       * At what optimization level should this phase be run?
065       */
066      private final int level;
067      /**
068       * Perform type propagation?
069       */
070      private final boolean typeProp;
071      /**
072       * Attempt to eliminate bounds and cast checks?
073       */
074      private final boolean foldChecks;
075      /**
076       * Fold conditional branches with constant operands?
077       */
078      private final boolean foldBranches;
079      /**
080       * Sort registers used by commutative operators
081       */
082      private final boolean sortRegisters;
084      @Override
085      public boolean shouldPerform(OptOptions options) {
086        return options.getOptLevel() >= level;
087      }
089      @Override
090      public String getName() {
091        return "Simple Opts";
092      }
094      @Override
095      public boolean printingEnabled(OptOptions options, boolean before) {
096        return false;
097      }
099      /**
100       * The constructor is used to specify what pieces of Simple will
101       * be enabled for this instance.  Some pieces are always enabled.
102       * Customizing can be useful because some of the optimizations are not
103       * valid/useful on LIR or even on "late stage" HIR.
104       *
105       * @param level at what optimization level should the phase be enabled?
106       * @param typeProp should type propagation be peformed?
107       * @param foldChecks should we attempt to eliminate boundscheck?
108       * @param foldBranches should we attempt to constant fold conditional
109       * @param sortRegisters should we sort use operands?
110       * branches?
111       */
112      public Simple(int level, boolean typeProp, boolean foldChecks, boolean foldBranches, boolean sortRegisters) {
113        super(new Object[]{level, typeProp, foldChecks, foldBranches, sortRegisters});
114        this.level = level;
115        this.typeProp = typeProp;
116        this.foldChecks = foldChecks;
117        this.foldBranches = foldBranches;
118        this.sortRegisters = sortRegisters;
119      }
121      /**
122       * Constructor for this compiler phase
123       */
124      private static final Constructor<CompilerPhase> constructor =
125          getCompilerPhaseConstructor(Simple.class,
126                                      new Class[]{Integer.TYPE, Boolean.TYPE, Boolean.TYPE, Boolean.TYPE, Boolean.TYPE});
128      /**
129       * Get a constructor object for this compiler phase
130       * @return compiler phase constructor
131       */
132      @Override
133      public Constructor<CompilerPhase> getClassConstructor() {
134        return constructor;
135      }
137      /**
138       * Main driver for the simple optimizations
139       *
140       * @param ir the IR to optimize
141       */
142      @Override
143      public void perform(IR ir) {
144        // Compute defList, useList, useCount fields for each register.
145        DefUse.computeDU(ir);
146        // Recompute isSSA flags
147        DefUse.recomputeSSA(ir);
148        // Simple copy propagation.
149        // This pass incrementally updates the register list.
150        copyPropagation(ir);
151        // Simple type propagation.
152        // This pass uses the register list, but doesn't modify it.
153        if (typeProp) {
154          typePropagation(ir);
155        }
156        // Perform simple bounds-check and arraylength elimination.
157        // This pass incrementally updates the register list
158        if (foldChecks) {
159          arrayPropagation(ir);
160        }
161        // Simple dead code elimination.
162        // This pass incrementally updates the register list
163        eliminateDeadInstructions(ir);
164        // constant folding
165        // This pass usually doesn't modify the DU, but
166        // if it does it will recompute it.
167        foldConstants(ir);
168        // Simple local expression folding respecting DU
169        if (ir.options.LOCAL_EXPRESSION_FOLDING && ExpressionFolding.performLocal(ir)) {
170          // constant folding again
171          foldConstants(ir);
172        }
173        // Try to remove conditional branches with constant operands
174        // If it actually constant folds a branch,
175        // this pass will recompute the DU
176        if (foldBranches) {
177          simplifyConstantBranches(ir);
178        }
179        // Should we sort commutative use operands
180        if (sortRegisters) {
181          sortCommutativeRegisterUses(ir);
182        }
183      }
185      /**
186       * Sort commutative use operands so that those defined most are on the lhs
187       *
188       * @param ir the IR to work on
189       */
190      private static void sortCommutativeRegisterUses(IR ir) {
191        // Pass over instructions
192        for (Enumeration<Instruction> e = ir.forwardInstrEnumerator(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
193          Instruction s = e.nextElement();
194          // Sort most frequently defined operands onto lhs
195          if (Binary.conforms(s) && s.operator.isCommutative() &&
196              Binary.getVal1(s).isRegister() && Binary.getVal2(s).isRegister()) {
197            RegisterOperand rop1 = Binary.getVal1(s).asRegister();
198            RegisterOperand rop2 = Binary.getVal2(s).asRegister();
199            // Simple SSA based test
200            if (rop1.register.isSSA()) {
201              if(rop2.register.isSSA()) {
202                // ordering is arbitrary, ignore
203              } else {
204                // swap
205                Binary.setVal1(s, rop2);
206                Binary.setVal2(s, rop1);
207              }
208            } else if (rop2.register.isSSA()) {
209              // already have prefered ordering
210            } else {
211              // neither registers are SSA so place registers used more on the RHS
212              // (we don't have easy access to a count of the number of definitions)
213              if (rop1.register.useCount > rop2.register.useCount) {
214                // swap
215                Binary.setVal1(s, rop2);
216                Binary.setVal2(s, rop1);
217              }
218            }
219          }
220        }
221      }
223      /**
224       * Perform flow-insensitive copy and constant propagation using
225       * register list information.
226       *
227       * <ul>
228       * <li> Note: register list MUST be initialized BEFORE calling this routine.
229       * <li> Note: this function incrementally maintains the register list.
230       * </ul>
231       *
232       * @param ir the IR in question
233       */
234      public static void copyPropagation(IR ir) {
235        // Use register list to enumerate register objects
236        Register elemNext;
237        boolean reiterate = true;
238        while (reiterate) {         // /MT/ better think about proper ordering.
239          reiterate = false;
240          for (Register reg = ir.regpool.getFirstSymbolicRegister(); reg != null; reg = elemNext) {
241            elemNext = reg.getNext(); // we may remove reg, so get elemNext up front
242            if (reg.useList == null ||   // Copy propagation not possible if reg
243                // has no uses
244                reg.defList == null ||   // Copy propagation not possible if reg
245                // has no defs
246                !reg.isSSA()) {           // Flow-insensitive copy prop only possible
247              // for SSA registers.
248              continue;
249            }
250            // isSSA => reg has exactly one definition, reg.defList.
251            RegisterOperand lhs = reg.defList;
252            Instruction defInstr = lhs.instruction;
253            Operand rhs;
254            // Copy/constant propagation only possible when defInstr is a move
255            if (defInstr.isMove()) {
256              rhs = Move.getVal(defInstr);
257            } else if (defInstr.operator() == PHI) {
258              Operand phiVal = equivalentValforPHI(defInstr);
259              if (phiVal == null) continue;
260              rhs = phiVal;
261            } else {
262              continue;
263            }
265            if (rhs.isRegister()) {
266              Register rrhs = rhs.asRegister().getRegister();
267              // If rhs is a non-SSA register, then we can't propagate it
268              // because we can't be sure that the same definition reaches
269              // all uses.
270              if (!rrhs.isSSA()) continue;
272              // If rhs is a physical register, then we can't safely propagate
273              // it to uses of lhs because we don't understand the implicit
274              // uses/defs of physical registers well enough to do so safely.
275              if (rrhs.isPhysical()) continue;
276            }
278            reiterate = ir.options.getOptLevel() > 1;
279            // Now substitute rhs for all uses of lhs, updating the
280            // register list as we go.
281            if (rhs.isRegister()) {
282              RegisterOperand nextUse;
283              RegisterOperand rhsRegOp = rhs.asRegister();
284              for (RegisterOperand use = reg.useList; use != null; use = nextUse) {
285                nextUse = use.getNext(); // get early before reg's useList is updated.
286                if (VM.VerifyAssertions) VM._assert(rhsRegOp.getRegister().getType() == use.getRegister().getType());
287                DefUse.transferUse(use, rhsRegOp);
288              }
289            } else if (rhs.isConstant()) {
290              // NOTE: no need to incrementally update use's register list since we are going
291              //       to blow it all away as soon as this loop is done.
292              for (RegisterOperand use = reg.useList; use != null; use = use.getNext()) {
293                int index = use.getIndexInInstruction();
294                use.instruction.putOperand(index, rhs.copy());
295              }
296            } else {
297              throw new OptimizingCompilerException("Simple.copyPropagation: unexpected operand type");
298            }
299            // defInstr is now dead. Remove it.
300            defInstr.remove();
301            if (rhs.isRegister()) {
302              DefUse.removeUse(rhs.asRegister());
303            }
304            ir.regpool.removeRegister(lhs.getRegister());
305          }
306        }
307      }
309      /**
310       * Try to find an operand that is equivalent to the result of a
311       * given phi instruction.
312       *
313       * @param phi the instruction to be simplified
314       * @return one of the phi's operands that is equivalent to the phi's result,
315       * or null if the phi can not be simplified.
316       */
317      static Operand equivalentValforPHI(Instruction phi) {
318        if (!Phi.conforms(phi)) return null;
319        // search for the first input that is different from the result
320        Operand result = Phi.getResult(phi), equiv = result;
321        int i = 0, n = Phi.getNumberOfValues(phi);
322        while (i < n) {
323          equiv = Phi.getValue(phi, i++);
324          if (!equiv.similar(result)) break;
325        }
326        // no luck if result and equiv aren't the only distinct inputs
327        while (i < n) {
328          Operand opi = Phi.getValue(phi, i++);
329          if (!opi.similar(equiv) && !opi.similar(result)) return null;
330        }
331        return equiv;
332      }
334      /**
335       * Perform flow-insensitive type propagation using register list
336       * information. Note: register list MUST be initialized BEFORE
337       * calling this routine.
338       *
339       * <p> Kept separate from copyPropagation loop to enable clients
340       * more flexibility.
341       *
342       * @param ir the IR in question
343       */
344      static void typePropagation(IR ir) {
345        // Use register list to enumerate register objects (FAST)
346        Register elemNext;
347        for (Register reg = ir.regpool.getFirstSymbolicRegister(); reg != null; reg = elemNext) {
348          elemNext = reg.getNext();
349          // Type propagation not possible if reg has no uses
350          if (reg.useList == null) {
351            continue;
352          }
353          // Type propagation not possible if reg has no defs
354          if (reg.defList == null) {
355            continue;
356          }
357          // Do not attempt type propagation if reg has multiple defs
358          if (!reg.isSSA()) {
359            continue;
360          }
361          // Now reg has exactly one definition
362          RegisterOperand lhs = reg.defList;
363          Instruction instr = lhs.instruction;
364          Operator op = instr.operator();
365          // Type propagation not possible if lhs is not in a move instr
366          if (!op.isMove()) {
367            continue;
368          }
369          Operand rhsOp = Move.getVal(instr);
370          // Do not attempt type propagation if RHS is not a register
371          if (!(rhsOp instanceof RegisterOperand)) {
372            continue;
373          }
374          RegisterOperand rhs = (RegisterOperand) rhsOp;
375          // Propagate the type in the def
376          lhs.copyType(rhs);
378          // Now propagate lhs into all uses; substitute rhs.type for lhs.type
379          for (RegisterOperand use = reg.useList; use != null; use = use.getNext()) {
380            // if rhs.type is a supertype of use.type, don't do it
381            // because use.type has more detailed information
382            if (ClassLoaderProxy.includesType(rhs.getType(), use.getType()) == YES) {
383              continue;
384            }
385            // If Magic has been employed to convert an int to a reference,
386            // don't undo the effects!
387            if (rhs.getType().isPrimitiveType() && !use.getType().isPrimitiveType()) {
388              continue;
389            }
390            use.copyType(rhs);
391          }
392        }
393      }
395      /**
396       * Perform flow-insensitive propagation to eliminate bounds checks
397       * and arraylength for arrays with static lengths. Only useful on the HIR
398       * (because BOUNDS_CHECK is expanded in LIR into multiple instrs)
399       *
400       * <p> Note: this function incrementally maintains the register list.
401       *
402       * @param ir the IR in question
403       */
404      static void arrayPropagation(IR ir) {
405        // Use register list to enumerate register objects (FAST)
406        Register elemNext;
407        for (Register reg = ir.regpool.getFirstSymbolicRegister(); reg != null; reg = elemNext) {
408          elemNext = reg.getNext();
409          if (reg.useList == null) {
410            continue;
411          }
412          if (reg.defList == null) {
413            continue;
414          }
415          if (!reg.isSSA()) {
416            continue;
417          }
418          // Now reg has exactly one definition
419          RegisterOperand lhs = reg.defList;
420          Instruction instr = lhs.instruction;
421          Operator op = instr.operator();
422          if (!(op == NEWARRAY || op == NEWARRAY_UNRESOLVED)) {
423            continue;
424          }
425          Operand sizeOp = NewArray.getSize(instr);
426          // check for an array whose length is a compile-time constant
427          // or an SSA register
428          boolean boundsCheckOK = false;
429          boolean arraylengthOK = false;
430          int size = -1;
431          if (sizeOp instanceof IntConstantOperand) {
432            size = ((IntConstantOperand) sizeOp).value;
433            boundsCheckOK = true;
434            arraylengthOK = true;
435          } else if (sizeOp instanceof RegisterOperand) {
436            if (sizeOp.asRegister().getRegister().isSSA()) {
437              arraylengthOK = true;
438            }
439          }
440          // Now propagate
441          for (RegisterOperand use = reg.useList; use != null; use = use.getNext()) {
442            Instruction i = use.instruction;
443            // bounds-check elimination
444            if (boundsCheckOK && i.getOpcode() == BOUNDS_CHECK_opcode) {
445              Operand indexOp = BoundsCheck.getIndex(i);
446              if (indexOp instanceof IntConstantOperand) {
447                if (((IntConstantOperand) indexOp).value <= size) {
448                  Instruction s =
449                      Move.create(GUARD_MOVE, BoundsCheck.getGuardResult(i).copyD2D(), new TrueGuardOperand());
450                  s.position = i.position;
451                  s.bcIndex = i.bcIndex;
452                  i.insertAfter(s);
453                  DefUse.updateDUForNewInstruction(s);
454                  DefUse.removeInstructionAndUpdateDU(i);
455                }
456              }
457            } else if (arraylengthOK && i.getOpcode() == ARRAYLENGTH_opcode) {
458              Operand newSizeOp = sizeOp.copy();
459              RegisterOperand result = (RegisterOperand) GuardedUnary.getResult(i).copy();
460              Instruction s = Move.create(INT_MOVE, result, newSizeOp);
461              s.position = i.position;
462              s.bcIndex = i.bcIndex;
463              i.insertAfter(s);
464              DefUse.updateDUForNewInstruction(s);
465              DefUse.removeInstructionAndUpdateDU(i);
466            }
467          }
468        }
469      }
471      /**
472       * Simple conservative dead code elimination.
473       * An instruction is eliminated if:
474       * <ul>
475       *  <li> 1. it is not a PEI, store or call
476       *  <li> 2. it DEFs only registers
477       *  <li> 3. all registers it DEFS are dead
478       * </ul>
479       *
480       * <p> Note: this function incrementally maintains the register list.
481       *
482       * @param ir the IR to optimize
483       */
484      static void eliminateDeadInstructions(IR ir) {
485        eliminateDeadInstructions(ir, false);
486      }
488      /**
489       * Simple conservative dead code elimination.
490       * An instruction is eliminated if:
491       * <ul>
492       *  <li> 1. it is not a PEI, store or non-pure call
493       *  <li> 2. it DEFs only registers
494       *  <li> 3. all registers it DEFS are dead
495       * </ul>
496       *
497       * <p> Note: this function incrementally maintains the register list.
498       *
499       * @param ir IR to optimize
500       * @param preserveImplicitSSA if this is true, do not eliminate dead
501       * instructions that have implicit operands for heap array SSA form
502       */
503      public static void eliminateDeadInstructions(IR ir, boolean preserveImplicitSSA) {
505        ArrayList<Instruction> setCaughtExceptionInstructions = null;
506        int getCaughtExceptionInstructions = 0;
507        for (Instruction instr = ir.lastInstructionInCodeOrder(),
508            prevInstr = null; instr != null; instr = prevInstr) {
509          prevInstr = instr.prevInstructionInCodeOrder(); // cache because
510          // remove nulls next/prev fields
511          // if instr is a PEI, store, branch, or call, then it's not dead ...
512          if (instr.isPEI() || instr.isImplicitStore() || instr.isBranch() || instr.isNonPureCall()) {
513            continue;
514          }
515          if (preserveImplicitSSA && (instr.isImplicitLoad() || instr.isAllocation() || instr.operator() == PHI)) {
516            continue;
517          }
519          if (instr.operator() == SET_CAUGHT_EXCEPTION) {
520            if (setCaughtExceptionInstructions == null) {
521              setCaughtExceptionInstructions = new ArrayList<Instruction>();
522            }
523            setCaughtExceptionInstructions.add(instr);
524          }
526          // remove NOPs
527          if (instr.operator() == NOP) {
528            DefUse.removeInstructionAndUpdateDU(instr);
529          }
531          // remove UNINT_BEGIN/UNINT_END with nothing in between them
532          if (instr.operator() == UNINT_BEGIN) {
533            Instruction s = instr.nextInstructionInCodeOrder();
534            if (s.operator() == UNINT_END) {
535              DefUse.removeInstructionAndUpdateDU(s);
536              DefUse.removeInstructionAndUpdateDU(instr);
537            }
538          }
540          // remove trivial assignments
541          if (Move.conforms(instr)) {
542            Register lhs = Move.getResult(instr).asRegister().getRegister();
543            if (Move.getVal(instr).isRegister()) {
544              Register rhs = Move.getVal(instr).asRegister().getRegister();
545              if (lhs == rhs) {
546                DefUse.removeInstructionAndUpdateDU(instr);
547                continue;
548              }
549            }
550          }
551          if (instr.operator() == GET_CAUGHT_EXCEPTION) {
552            getCaughtExceptionInstructions++;
553          }
555          // check that all defs are to dead registers and that
556          // there is at least 1 def.
557          boolean isDead = true;
558          boolean foundRegisterDef = false;
559          for (Enumeration<Operand> defs = instr.getDefs(); defs.hasMoreElements();) {
560            Operand def = defs.nextElement();
561            if (!def.isRegister()) {
562              isDead = false;
563              break;
564            }
565            foundRegisterDef = true;
566            RegisterOperand r = def.asRegister();
567            if (r.getRegister().useList != null) {
568              isDead = false;
569              break;
570            }
571            if (r.getRegister().isPhysical()) {
572              isDead = false;
573              break;
574            }
575          }
576          if (!isDead) {
577            continue;
578          }
579          if (!foundRegisterDef) {
580            continue;
581          }
582          if (instr.operator() == GET_CAUGHT_EXCEPTION) {
583            getCaughtExceptionInstructions--;
584          }
585          // There are 1 or more register defs, but all of them are dead.
586          // Remove instr.
587          DefUse.removeInstructionAndUpdateDU(instr);
588        }
589        if (false && // temporarily disabled - see RVM-410
590            (getCaughtExceptionInstructions == 0) &&
591            (setCaughtExceptionInstructions != null)) {
592          for (Instruction instr : setCaughtExceptionInstructions) {
593            DefUse.removeInstructionAndUpdateDU(instr);
594          }
595        }
596      }
598      /**
599       * Perform constant folding.
600       *
601       * @param ir the IR to optimize
602       */
603      void foldConstants(IR ir) {
604        boolean recomputeRegList = false;
605        for (Instruction s = ir.firstInstructionInCodeOrder(); s != null; s = s.nextInstructionInCodeOrder()) {
606          Simplifier.DefUseEffect code = Simplifier.simplify(ir.IRStage == IR.HIR, ir.regpool, ir.options, s);
607          // If something was reduced (as opposed to folded) then its uses may
608          // be different. This happens so infrequently that it's cheaper to
609          // handle it by  recomputing the DU from
610          // scratch rather than trying to do the incremental bookkeeping.
611          recomputeRegList |=
612              (code == Simplifier.DefUseEffect.MOVE_REDUCED ||
613               code == Simplifier.DefUseEffect.TRAP_REDUCED ||
614               code == Simplifier.DefUseEffect.REDUCED);
615        }
616        if (recomputeRegList) {
617          DefUse.computeDU(ir);
618          DefUse.recomputeSSA(ir);
619        }
620      }
622      /**
623       * Simplify branches whose operands are constants.
624       *
625       * <p> NOTE: This pass ensures that the register list is still valid after it
626       * is done.
627       *
628       * @param ir the IR to optimize
629       */
630      void simplifyConstantBranches(IR ir) {
631        boolean didSomething = false;
632        for (Enumeration<BasicBlock> e = ir.forwardBlockEnumerator(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
633          BasicBlock bb = e.nextElement();
634          didSomething |= BranchSimplifier.simplify(bb, ir);
635        }
636        if (didSomething) {
637          // killed at least one branch, cleanup the CFG removing dead code.
638          // Then recompute register list and isSSA info
639          branchOpts.perform(ir, true);
640          DefUse.computeDU(ir);
641          DefUse.recomputeSSA(ir);
642        }
643      }
644    }