001    /*
002     *  This file is part of the Jikes RVM project (http://jikesrvm.org).
003     *
004     *  This file is licensed to You under the Eclipse Public License (EPL);
005     *  You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You
006     *  may obtain a copy of the License at
007     *
008     *      http://www.opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php
009     *
010     *  See the COPYRIGHT.txt file distributed with this work for information
011     *  regarding copyright ownership.
012     */
013    package org.jikesrvm.adaptive.controller;
015    import org.jikesrvm.VM;
016    import org.jikesrvm.adaptive.recompilation.CompilerDNA;
017    import org.jikesrvm.classloader.RVMMethod;
018    import org.jikesrvm.compilers.common.CompiledMethod;
019    import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.runtimesupport.OptCompiledMethod;
021    /**
022     * Abstract parent class for events from organizers to the controller
023     * used to communicate that a method should be considered as a candidate
024     * for recompilation.
025     */
026    public abstract class HotMethodEvent {
028      /**
029       * The compiled method associated querries.
030       */
031      private CompiledMethod cm;
033      public final int getCMID() { return cm.getId(); }
035      public final CompiledMethod getCompiledMethod() { return cm; }
037      public final RVMMethod getMethod() { return cm.getMethod(); }
039      public final boolean isOptCompiled() {
040        return cm.getCompilerType() == CompiledMethod.OPT;
041      }
043      public final int getOptCompiledLevel() {
044        if (!isOptCompiled()) return -1;
045        return ((OptCompiledMethod) cm).getOptLevel();
046      }
048      public final int getPrevCompilerConstant() {
049        if (isOptCompiled()) {
050          return CompilerDNA.getCompilerConstant(getOptCompiledLevel());
051        } else {
052          return CompilerDNA.BASELINE;
053        }
054      }
056      /**
057       * Number of samples attributed to this method.
058       */
059      private double numSamples;
061      public final double getNumSamples() { return numSamples; }
063      /**
064       * @param _cm the compiled method
065       * @param _numSamples the number of samples attributed to the method
066       */
067      HotMethodEvent(CompiledMethod _cm, double _numSamples) {
068        if (VM.VerifyAssertions) {
069          VM._assert(_cm != null, "Don't create me for null compiled method!");
070          VM._assert(_numSamples >= 0.0, "Invalid numSamples value");
071        }
072        cm = _cm;
073        numSamples = _numSamples;
074      }
076      /**
077       * @param _cm the compiled method
078       * @param _numSamples the number of samples attributed to the method
079       */
080      HotMethodEvent(CompiledMethod _cm, int _numSamples) {
081        this(_cm, (double) _numSamples);
082      }
084      @Override
085      public String toString() {
086        return getMethod() + " = " + getNumSamples();
087      }
088    }